There is no special accessible version. Just download regular Opera 10 from and give it a try. I only played with it a bit to at least discover that the content area seemed accessible. At the same time, as was pointed out, there are some holes like inaccessible pull-down menus. Since the browser is free you can just give it a try.
CB hank smith wrote: > where can I get accessible version of opera at? > and what works and doesn't work with vo with the version? > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "william lomas" <> > To: <> > Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 7:43 AM > Subject: Re: browser alternatives > > > >> Can we access flash then in opera? >> No news on firefox yet i tried the 3.6 beta 1 just released and no luc >> >> On 29 Oct 2009, at 17:38, Chris Blouch wrote: >> >> >>> The page I played with was mostly content which I was able to navigate >>> around and read. Just tried a popup and was unable to figure out what >>> was in it or what I had picked. Here is the test page I tried: >>> >>> >>> >>> Inaccessible popups appears to be an old problem. Josh noted this in >>> his >>> blog back in 2008: >>> >>> >>> >>> Apparently there has been no progress on this front in over a year. >>> >>> CB >>> >>> Krister Ekstrom wrote: >>> >>>> Hi Chris, >>>> Did you ever manage to manipulate combo boxes and popup buttons >>>> with Opera? I can't move them so i can't change styles and the like. >>>> /Krister >>>> >>>> >>>> On, at [GMT] (which was 15:10 where I live) you >>>> wrote:: >>>> CB> Opera is also fairly accessible. I don't use it all that often so >>>> CB> maybe it has some snags but the little bit I played around with >>>> it >>>> CB> I was able to navigate the web page with VO just fine. >>>> >>>> CB> >>>> >>>> CB> CB >>>> >>>> CB> a radix wrote: >>>> CB> Hello, I have the fastest 15 inch macbook pro currently >>>> available and still >>>> CB> find safari kind of sluggish (especially with just braille). I >>>> will try icab >>>> CB> this weekend to see how it works. I like that it is from Europe. >>>> CB> Greetings, Anouk, >>>> CB> ----- Original Message ----- >>>> CB> From: "Nicolai Svendsen" <> >>>> CB> To: <> >>>> CB> Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 10:01 AM >>>> CB> Subject: Re: browser alternativesRe: very painfully slow safari >>>> >>>> >>>> CB> >>>> CB> Hi, >>>> >>>> CB> Hmm, experiences with Safari obviously vary. I, myself have an >>>> CB> extremely fast experience with it, and it's not sluggish at >>>> all. I'd >>>> CB> like to try Firefox once their promise for accessibility is >>>> out, but >>>> CB> I'm perfectly happy with Safari. Not to mention trying Google >>>> Chrome. >>>> >>>> CB> Regards, >>>> CB> Nic >>>> CB> Skype: Kvalme >>>> CB> MSN Messenger: >>>> CB> AIM: cincinster >>>> CB> yahoo Messenger: cin368 >>>> CB> Facebook Profile >>>> CB> My Twitter >>>> >>>> CB> On Oct 29, 2009, at 9:50 AM, a radix wrote: >>>> >>>> CB> >>>> CB> Hello, Thanks ever so much for pointing out an alternative >>>> browser for >>>> CB> safari. I did not even think for one moment htat ther ewould be >>>> an >>>> CB> accessible alternative browser for the mac since I think >>>> firefox at >>>> CB> least is >>>> CB> not accessible which would seem to be the only other main >>>> CB> alternative there >>>> CB> is. I myself too find safari to be rather sluggish and slow and >>>> this >>>> CB> is on a >>>> CB> VERY fast laptop. >>>> CB> Are there any other accessible browser alternatives for the mac? >>>> CB> Greetings, Anouk, >>>> CB> ----- Original Message ----- >>>> CB> From: "christos hux" <> >>>> CB> To: <> >>>> CB> Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 5:22 AM >>>> CB> Subject: very painfully slow safari >>>> >>>> >>>> CB> >>>> CB> I was reallysupprised about how sluglish safari was after I >>>> did the >>>> CB> upgrade to snow leopard. It drove me crazy so I went & switched >>>> CB> browsers. I now use a older browser called: icab which is >>>> shareware >>>> CB> based. Its fully voice over accessable. It costs $20 for a >>>> license & >>>> CB> its very snappy in loading webpages unlike the way safari is now. >>>> >>>> CB> >>>> >>>> CB> >>>> >>>> CB> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> CB> >>>> >>>> >>>> CB> >>>> >>>> >> > > > > > --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---