
Press release: http://blindsquare.com/press/
More info of Indoor system: http://blindsquare.com/indoor/

Best, Ilkka (developer of BlindSquare)

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 12:27 AM, Eugenia Firth <gigifi...@me.com> wrote:

> Hi Sadam.
> Do you have the URL that was shown on the update notes in BlindSquare? I
> was going to go and look at it, but I lost the screen on my iPhone and I
> can’t figure out how to get it back so I check out iBeacons, or whatever it
> is called. I wanted to see what places are on it.
> Gigi
> for one thing.
> By the way, for those of you going to the ACB convention in Dallas, do you
> know there is an app you can download from the App Store for navigation
> within the convention hotel? They say it was done for the San Francisco
> airport, and I downloaded it for free. I can’t try it out util I go to the
> convention in July.
> On Jun 5, 2015, at 10:24 PM, sadamahmed1...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi all,
> Blind Square a great application for navigation on the iOS platform has
> received a significant update.
> The highlight in this release include supporting iBecons Apples
> implementation of indoor mapping.
> Here's the change log:
> NEW: BlindSquare now supports BlindSquare BPS (Beacon Positioning System),
> an indoor navigation system based on iBeacons. It is currently available at
> a few places only, but will hopefully become available at more venues soon.
> NEW: 3d sounds. If you use a stereo headset with BlindSquare, you will now
> hear the alert sound played from the direction of the POI that is being
> announced.
> NEW: BlindSquare now supports the TransitTimes+ public transport app
> NEW: If you use BlindSquare on an iPhone 6 or 6plus, you can check changes
> in elevation. Based on your device’s barometer, the GPS-Info screen shows
> your elevation compared to when you started BlindSquare. There is also a
> button letting you reset your elevation to the current reading.
> CHANGE: Optimized to use less memory
> CHANGE: Updated Open Street Map data, more intersection information
> available in some areas now.
> FIX: Resolved a timing issue in the Audio Menu that made it harder to
> select the intended item.
> note: You can control BlindSquare‘s Audio Menu from your Apple watch.
> Start BlindSquare on your phone, swipe up with two fingers to bring up your
> glances, and double-tap the Pause button. Double-Tap again to activate an
> Audio Menu item.
> Best wishes.
> Sadam Ahmed
> Sent from my iPhone
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