Hello Claude,

You might want to listen to the latest podcast episode of Screenless  
Switchers (Episode 35, October 26, 2009), since they discuss different  
Twitter clients for the iPhone (including some that have accessibility  

(the Screenless Switchers podcast episode at the iTunes Store)

or you can go to the Screenless Switchers web page and download the  
mp3 file:

There are demos of 9 apps (8 Twitter clients, and the notification  
app, Boxcar).  The web page notes has links to each app (Tweetaro,  
Twittelator Pro, etc.) at the iTunes Store




Claude Renaud wrote:

> Mike,
> michael A. Babcock wrote:
>> for the iphone or for the mac?
>> For the iphone yes:
>> http://maccessibility.net/iphone/apps/#
>> for the mac, we use syrinx, or twitterrific
> Thank you, I always kno Syrinx, I will take a look to the accessible
> Iphone app list...
> Regards,
> -- 
> Claude Renaud
> >

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