Hello Myrna,

Thanks, I didn’t know about looking for the card reader. As for ejecting, I 
would have thought I did have it focused as the VO+Shift+M activated the 
context menu.

I’ve just tried again with my stream while the Air is on AC power. Ensuring I 
use the Humanware supplied cable. The SD appears on my desktop but I can’t 
eject it. I checked by using VO+F3 and VO+F4 and the Streams SD had VoiceOver 
and keyboard focus. CMD E nor VO+Shift+m and selecting eject did not eject the 

I obviously need to do some reading. Now it’s confirmed that it should work. 
Can you confirm that you are using Yosemite?



> On 29 May 2015, at 17:44, Myrna Votta <myrnavo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Gena and all,
> I have transferred many files to my Stream, many times, using an HC SD card 
> with my Macbook Air.  My Air is the 11 inch model and therefore, it doesn't 
> have a built-in card reader.  So, I insert an HC SD card into an SD card 
> reader and then insert the reader into one of the USB ports.  I then go to 
> the desktop and if I cannot find the SD card as a volume, I press 
> command-shift-c to open Computer.  I will then find the card in the table.  
> After that, the SD card will appear on the desktop as a volume.  I don't know 
> why, but, it does.  As for ejecting the card or the VR Stream, I put the 
> voiceover cursor on either and then press command-e to do that.
> Myrna
> -----Original Message-----
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Georgina Joyce
> Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 3:33 PM
> To: AppleVis List
> Subject: Macbook Air and SD card problem
> Hello All,
> I attempted to put files on a HCSD card via my Macbook Air and could not do 
> it. The situation is I have a friend that is just getting used to a Victor 
> Reader Stream. He is a technophobe so I need to provide him with reading 
> material. I took a SD card reader my Air and stream to a meeting. I couldn’t 
> get the Air to see my reader. So I hooked his Stream up. I saw it on 
> Yosemite’s desktop. I dropped a text file in the route of $VRText. All 
> appeared well, until I tried to eject the Stream. I tried cmd E, VO+Shift and 
> M and the eject key. Non of which worked. I turned off the Stream and pulled 
> the plug. The Stream didn’t see the file. However, looking at the Stream 
> again there was the file. My time was limited and couldn’t faff about. I need 
> to be able to just drop files on his SD and walk away. I cannot take his SD 
> away because he’ll be without his Stream for a week or so. Therefore, I have 
> the following questions:
> Has anyone used a HCSD card successfully on an Air running on battery power?
> Is there a HCSD card reader that the Macbook Air will use while on battery 
> power? 
> Has anyone used an Air to put files on a Victor Reader Stream on battery 
> power?
> Has anyone had a problem ejecting a mounted USB device with Yosemite? I 
> certainly don’t on my Mac Mini but could it be an Air and Yosemite combined 
> issue?
> Looking at forum’s it appears that people have transferred files successfully 
> using an Air. So I thought I’d ask here.
> Many Thanks.
> Gena
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