Hello Shawn, as the author of that book, I can assure you that it makes it 
clear that hand-off works not just between compatible Macs and iDevices, but 
between compatible iDevices too.
Here's the opening paragraph of the Continuity chapter, where hand-off is 
Most of us now have more than one device. It’s common these days to own a 
smartphone, a tablet, and a computer. Who knows, maybe next year, some of us 
will own an Apple Watch as well. If you have more than one Apple thing in your 
life, you’re going to love a series of features apple has labelled “Continuity”.

The philosophy behind Continuity is that you should be able to switch 
seamlessly from one device to another in the middle of a task, and just keep 
going with that task.

It then goes on to talk about Hand-off and all the apps it can work with.
Hope that helps.

Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

> On 6/05/2015, at 12:28 pm, Shawn Krasniuk <bbssh...@icloud.com> wrote:
> Hey all. For those of you that aren't on the Peel the iPhone list, apparently 
> Heather read that she couldn't use hand off without a Mac in a book called 
> "iOS 8 Without the Eye." Hopefully I'm saying that right. Somebody on the 
> list pointed her to a link using hand off without a Mac though and that was 
> the last I heard of that.
> Shawn
> Sent from my White MacBook
>> On May 5, 2015, at 2:24 AM, Krister Ekstrom <kris...@kristersplace.com> 
>> wrote:
>> One thing though, if the tool discovers that your mac doesn’t have a 
>> Bluetooth 4.0 or whatever it is that works card or chip or whatever it will 
>> warn you to that fact and quit, so i personally didn’t have any use for the 
>> tool.
>> /Krister
>>> 4 maj 2015 kl. 21:49 skrev Anders Holmberg <and...@pipkrokodil.se>:
>>> Hi!
>>> You can use hand off with old macs if you have the continuity activation 
>>> tool.
>>> I don’t have the link now but i can provide it if there’s any intrest.
>>> /A
>>>> 4 maj 2015 kl. 11:45 skrev Sabahattin Gucukoglu <listse...@me.com>:
>>>> Yes, it’s the case.  My Mac is too old for handoff, but since getting an 
>>>> Apple Watch, it’s been worthwhile turning it back on on my phone, and also 
>>>> my iPod Touch.  All three work together, sans Mac.
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