When I say highlight, I mean command tab.
So, if you move focus away from VMware fusion, you can then turn  
voiceover off, command tab to the full window of your VM, and  
everything should run fine.
Alternatively, when running voiceover, and with your VM window in  
focus, hit VO shift space to click on the window. This also appears to  
relinquish control from voiceover to the virtual machine itself.

BTW, why was this message classified as spam? It is directly on the  
topic of accessibility.

On Oct 27, 2009, at 9:15 PM, David McLean wrote:

> Ok a dumb question:  By highlight the window do you mean go to it with
> vo or something else?
> On Oct 27, 2009, at 6:32 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
>> Hi listers,
>> Having just acquired fusion 3, I thought I would pass my experiences
>> along with voiceover. For the most part, everything remains
>> accessible. However, when running and using your virtual machine,
>> there is no longer a scroll area. Thus, you cannot VO to the area and
>> start using the keyboard to control the VM. Instead, it is necessary
>> to highlight the virtual machine window, turn voiceover off, and hit
>> command plus G to direct input to the virtual machine. After this,
>> turn voiceover back on, and everything works as expected.
>> Note: I seem to have a similar problem even when running win XP in
>> full screen mode. Voiceover does not seem to yield keyboard control
>> initially to the virtual machine. To fix this, turn VO off when you
>> highlight your virtual machine window for the first time. Next, turn
>> it on again, and everything works from there on out. Note: You can
>> even command tab to other applications, and when you come back, the
>> keyboard will control your virtual machine as expected.
>> Kind of quirky, but it works just fine and seems to be a bit faster
>> than version 2 as well.
>> Hth
>> John
> >

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