I hven't gotten that to work. It say there's no table.

On 4/11/15, Matthew Dierckens <matt.dierck...@me.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was the person who suggested that. Radium is aware of this issue and said
> that they will work on a fix.
> God bless.
> Matthew Dierckens
> Certified Assistive Technology Specialist
> Macintosh, Windows and IOS  Trainer
> U.S. number: 573-401-1018
> Personal Email: matt.dierck...@me.com
>> On Apr 11, 2015, at 18:02, gs <geoffsli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well I thought I should let anyone interested know that whomever posted
>> with the advice to press the unlabeled button and then use VO Command T to
>> move to the table of favorites was on the right track.
>> Although it kind of defies logic that this would work, it seems to do so.
>> I can't even find the table of favorites otherwise, but after pressing the
>> unlabeled button and being forced up to the top of the window then
>> pressing VO Command T seems to move one directly to the table of
>> favorites. I am unable to get to the table any other way but I hope it
>> reinforces the help for those who need it.
>> I can't say that I am completely mollified but at least there is something
>> that seems to work.
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