When I tried it a few months back I found Libre Office unusable for any
practical usage. I have removed it from my Mac. The Voiceover Support is
clunky and verbose in the extreme, even at lowest VO verbosity settings.
It is impossible to read beyond a paragraph at a time and that requires
a lot of perseverance.
In the admittedly limited time that I tested it before I lost patience
with it and removed it I found in terms of word processing at least
there was nothing that Libre Office could do that TextEdit and
certainly even Pages could not do with infinitely more comfort and ease
of use for voiceover users.
David Griffith
On 11/04/2015 13:23, Joanne Chua wrote:
What about Libre Office as an option? I heard that Libre office suppose to be
fairly accessible with voiceover.
Personally i use pages, but i'll still use the pc laptop for any complex
Joanne Chua
Send from my iPad
On 11 Apr 2015, at 21:23, David Griffith <daj.griff...@gmail.com> wrote:
Nisus is a more expensive option than iText but Nisus Writer Pro is a fully
featured Voiceover Accessible Word Processor for the Mac which has an interface
which is more familiar to people used to Windows Word processors like Word than
Pages. . I must admit I have not done extensive word processing on it and
mainly use it as my default PDF viewer which is a nice bonus but many people
use it as their preferred Mac app for creating and editing text.
The main access adjustment is that you will get best Voiceover feedback when in
draft view.
I paid about £40 for it but it appears from time to time at reduced rates from
sites such as Mac-Update and has also been bundled with other apps in some of
their bargain offers.
David Griffith
On 11/04/2015 12:03, Sadam Ahmed wrote:
Have tried text edit. But found it a little too simple for my needs.
Kind regards,
Sadam Mohammed Ahmed
Assistive technology blog:
LinkedIn profile:
linkedin.com/profile/view?id=203Sent from my iPhone
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