I actually did get it to pair. I was most definitely using the VO
Uility, I've paired others. It turns out my display, Varioultra pairs
inan od way on the Mac as it does on the phone. Although I knew this
about the phone I wasn't aware that it also applied to the Mac. So in
fact you do pair it through the Mac utility rather than the VO utility
as I was logically tryng to do. So I was incorrect about what to do
but because theprocess was different, not because I was doing
something typically incompatible with VO. Once I knew what to do, it
took about 30 seconds.

On 4/11/15, erik burggraaf <e...@erik-burggraaf.com> wrote:
> Hi,  This sounds like the classic case of trying to pare the display using
> bluetooth preferences in stead of paring through the voiceover utility.
> Please let us know what display you are using and the steps you took to pare
> it and we will try to be more help.
> Best,
> Erik
>> On Apr 10, 2015, at 6:52 PM, Deb Lewis <deblewi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello:
>> I usually use braille with UsB on the mac. Now I think I know why. I'm
>> trying to pair my braille display but it's not happening.
>> The mac sees the display, I press the pair button and I'm told to enter
>> the pin on the display. I enter it, I assume in computer braille but I've
>> tried everything, and it always tells me it's not successful. I've paired
>> lots of other things with the mac and I've paired the display with the
>> phone in the past so I understand the principal of it all.
>> Any suggestions would be most welcome.
>> deb
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