I actually don’t want a narrated version at all. I prefer to read it myself. 
And i definitely am wanting modern versions, choices of them in fact. 

> On Apr 3, 2015, at 9:52 AM, Barry Hadder <bhad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> Due to past and recent posts on the subject, I’ve been recently inspired to 
> start a desktop bible project for the Mac.  I’ve even found a suitable data 
> set to use.  However, I happened to run across the sight of the company that 
> owns the rights to the Scourby narration and it appears that they all ready 
> have something in the works.  It is at http://scourby.com 
> <http://scourby.com/>.  It appears that they already have an IOS version that 
> is usable with Voiceover.  I personally own the CD set and I can say that 
> Scourby’s narration is amazing.
> I would like to hear any feedback in regards to whether or not there is any 
> need for  pursuing such a project.  If their approach isn’t what people hear 
> are looking for etc.  If not, then what are people looking for in a Bible 
> app?  It certainly wouldn’t be practical for me to incorporate Scourby’s 
> narration into an app as they own the rights and even if I got permission, 
> they could revoke it any time they so choosed.
> Thanks.
> Barry Hadder
> bhad...@gmail.com <mailto:bhad...@gmail.com>
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