Pete, I don't understand much of what you suggested.  I will contact you off



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of peter apgar
Sent: Saturday, 24 October, 2009 18:13
Subject: Re: Internet radio receivers and Voice Over

how about an air port express connected to a receiver via headphone to  
rca cable?  you could stream to any system with rca inputs.
   I have three systems wired this way.  one completely wireless  
system would be sono s5.  however i am not sure of it's usability with  

On Oct 24, 2009, at 11:11 AM, Buddy Brannan wrote:

> Or, just get yourself an iPod Touch and ootunes :-)
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Oct 24, 2009, at 5:19 AM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>> In  My apartment I have a wifi network on which I run two imacs, an
>> macboox pro and a wifi radio I purchased from C. Crane. Take a look
>> at the C. Crane site and see if there might be something there you
>> might be able to use. I have a tangent with 6 pre-sets. They make
>> one with 99 pre-sets (wish list). Check out their
>> Revo Pico Portable WiFi Internet Radio which is small and has 5 pre-
>> sets and small enough to sit out of the way in your kitchen.
>> Keep in mind that you need a wireless network to do this.
>> Good luck.
>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 10:56 PM, Michael Busboom <>
>> wrote:
>> Hello listers,
>> One of the things I love about my Mac Book is that I can take it
>> anywhere with me in my apartment and listen to radio stations that
>> stream on the Internet.  I have lived in Austria for over 30 years,
>> but I grew up in Illinois, pretty much right between Chicago and St.
>> Louis, and I love listening to radio from that area of the country.
>> One of my concerns about listening to the radio as I cook, however,
>> is that no matter where I place my Mac Book, I am afraid that it may
>> fall prey to an accident.  To my knowledge, grease or liquids and
>> Mac Books don't get along very well with one another.  I am
>> wondering if Apple makes a programmable receiver that has Airport
>> capabilities with Voice Over built right in.  If not, what is the
>> next best thing?  I suppose I could leave my Mac in my office, go
>> out and buy some sort of FM transmitter that I would hook up to the
>> Mac and wear headphones with a built-in receiver while I worked, but
>> perhaps someone has a better idea?
>> Any and all comments welcome and thanks in advance,
>> Mike
>> -- 
>> Check out our web site,
> >

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