Hello Daniela.

Applescript is very easy to learn through just trial and error, but I have a 
few resources that I’ll pass along that I think you and others may find helpful.
The first one is 
I have not used that one, but I’ve heard good things about it.  Also, the book 
is available on the iBooks store.

I’ve used the language guide available from the help menu of the editor, but I 
think that it is structured poorly and somewhat hard to use.

I also found this helpful: 

There is an example on that page that told me basically everything I needed to 
know on how a script is written.

You can allso learn a lot from just looking at the scripts in /Library/Scripts.

Hope this helps.
Good luck.

On Feb 27, 2015, at 11:19 AM, Daniela Rubio <mabuha...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello dear Barry.
Thanks for sharing all this resources.
I am trying to work on scripts again after some time. I have little time, but a 
lot of desire. If there was a course that I could take, I definitely would do 
it! lol!
Thanks again!

Daniela Rubio T
 Distinguished Educator

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iPhone: +34662328507

> El 22/2/2015, a las 16:14, Barry Hadder <bhad...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:bhad...@gmail.com>> escribió:
> Hi Daniela,
> Here is a direct dropbox link: 
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/nhuqihboef1rsuf/SetTableNameForNumbers.scpt?dl=0 
> <https://www.dropbox.com/s/nhuqihboef1rsuf/SetTableNameForNumbers.scpt?dl=0>.
> I hope you find it helpful.   I’ve had very good success with it.  I’m also 
> pasting the script below.
> (* This script enables Voiceover users to set the name of a table in Numbers.
> Tab to a table on the active sheet and run the script.
> *)
> tell application "Numbers"
>       set tableList to table of active sheet of document of front window
>       repeat with aTable in tableList
>               if (selection range of aTable is not missing value) then
>                       set tablename to name of aTable
>                       set dialogresult to display dialog "table name" default 
> answer tablename
>                       set name of aTable to text returned of dialogresult
>               end if
>       end repeat
> end tell
> On Feb 22, 2015, at 5:15 AM, Daniela Rubio <mabuha...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:mabuha...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hello Barry!
> Thanks for this interesting script. Where can we get it? That for Pages would 
> be great as well, I really appreciate your great disposition to share this.
> Best
> Daniela Rubio T
> iPhone: +34662328507
>> El 22/2/2015, a las 6:44, Barry Hadder <bhad...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:bhad...@gmail.com>> escribió:
>> For anyone interested in trying this, I have written a small script that 
>> will enable vo users to set the name of a table in numbers.  To use it, you 
>> would just tab to a table on the active sheet and run the script.  A dialog 
>> will come up where you can type a new name.
>> I’m using the selection range of a table to determine if it has been 
>> selected.  I’ve seen it fail only once after many trys.  So, it seems to 
>> work pretty well.  The selection range method seems to be the weak part, but 
>> it was all I could come up with to tell which table is selected.  Would like 
>> to hear any other ideas on this..
>> I allso plan to do something simular for Pages.
>> -- 
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>> <SetTableNameForNumbers.scpt>
>> Barry Hadder
>> bhad...@gmail.com <mailto:bhad...@gmail.com>
>> -- 
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> Barry Hadder
> bhad...@gmail.com <mailto:bhad...@gmail.com>
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Barry Hadder

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