This script only works with the selected table on the current page.  It can 
easily be modified to work with them on a document level, but this made more 
since to me.
Also, the table must be set to stay on page in the arrange formatter.  
Otherwise, the script will not see it.  I don’t understand why it works this 
way, but in line tables seem to be invisible to Apple scripts.

(*This script enables a Voiceover user to set the name of the selected table in 
the latest Pages.
Note:  To use this script, the table placement must be set to "stay on page" in 
the arrange formatter.

tell application "Pages"
        set tableList to table of current page of document of front window
        repeat with aTable in tableList
                if (selection range of aTable is not missing value) then
                        set tableName to name of aTable
                        set dialogResult to display dialog "Set Table Name" 
default answer tableName
                        set name of aTable to text returned of dialogResult
                        exit repeat
                end if
        end repeat
end tell

Barry Hadder

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