I thought that some of you might be interested in hearing this interview with 
my wife Bronwyn. She has come such a long way since I first introduced her to 
the iPhone more than 3 years ago and I am very proud of her.

> From: Bob Branco <mailto:branco...@verizon.net>
> Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2015 7:40 PM
> To: Robert Branco <mailto:branco...@verizon.net>
> Subject: tomorrow (Monday, February 23) on Branco Broadcast, Brie Rumery of 
> Fedora Outlier, 3:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time
> Tomorrow (Monday, February 23), Brie Rumery of Fedora Outlier will be our 
> featured guest on Branco Broadcast at 3:00 p.m. Eastern, 2:00 Central, 1:00 
> Mountain, and 12:00 Pacific Time.  Fedora Outlier assists people with today’s 
> computer technology in many ways.  To participate on Branco Broadcast, please 
> call 712-432-3645.  When it asks, press 1 for the main menu, 1 for the rooms 
> menu, and 6 for my conference room.
> Bronwyn “Brie” Rumery is a Junior Partner along with being the Public 
> Relations/Social Media Liaison for Fedora Outlier, LLC. She is also the 
> co-author of Fedora’s “Old Hat Guide to iPhone Accessibility” e-books and 
> also moderates a weekly interactive Twitter chat entitled, #AccessChat-A 
> Twitter Chat Committed to Access.
> Fedora Outlier, LLC was founded in June of 2012 by Managing Partner VaShaun 
> Jones and it is the nation’s first provider of consulting, teaching and 
> support for Apple’s range of accessible technologies (including the Mac, 
> iPhone and iPad), Fedora Outlier, LLC, partners with private consumers, 
> agencies and government organizations to provide better than excellent 
> products and services to encourage, equip and empower users to do more with 
> their technology.
> The entire team, including Brie, are either blind or visually impaired and 
> use some or all of Apple’s products on a daily basis. Therefore, the 
> knowledge and experience she and her fellow colleagues offer their clients is 
> not only innovative but “Top Down Better Than Excellent.”
> Brie’s claim to fame at the firm is the fact that she suffers from 
> technophobia and that there was a time that she was quite terrified to even 
> think about learning how to use an iPhone. Thus, the first e-book for the 
> firm was conceived which is a true depiction of Brie’s journey from being 
> “scared to death” to becoming not only a loyal iOS fan but an experienced 
> teacher as well.
> Brie is also proud to be the moderator of a weekly interactive chat entitled, 
> “#AccessChat-A Twitter Chat Committed To Access,” which takes place on 
> Tuesday evenings via Twitter at 8:00 PM Eastern. This chat allows the 
> blindness community the opportunity to interact with individuals, 
> organizations or brands that are making and continue to make a difference 
> within the blindness community.
> When Brie is not busy working she enjoys spending time in Jasper, Georgia 
> with her husband Scott, daughter Makayla and their two German Shepherd 
> Fidelco guide dogs. She also enjoys writing short stories & poetry, crafting, 
> listening to various types of music and of course playing word games on her 
> iPhone.
> Brie can be contacted via email at b...@fedoraoutlier.com 
> <mailto:b...@fedoraoutlier.com> or you can follow her and Fedora on Twitter 
> by adding @fedora_outlier to your list of followers. Most importantly, make 
> sure to visit Fedora’s website <http://www.fedoraoutlier.com/macmasterseries> 
> to find out more about the firm, team and the entire list of services Fedora 
> Outlier provides.
> Brie will give a brief presentation, and then will take questions from our 
> participants.  If you need assistance, please email branco...@verizon.net 
> <mailto:branco...@verizon.net> or call 508-994-4972.  
> We hope to hear from you tomorrow.
>    Bob Branco

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