
I've always used this method, both on Windows and on the Mac.  
uTorrent. It works wonderfully well, and I use
to search for torrents on different search engines. It seems to work  


Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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On Oct 22, 2009, at 9:34 AM, a radix wrote:

> Hi Mike, yes I use soulseek on windows too both the new server and old
> server version. I also use bitche on windows which is a search  
> engine for
> torrent sites, i combine it with utorrent to download torrents,  
> bitche is
> wonderful it searches through i think all the torrent sites htat  
> exists and
> gives you the results. I havent found a mac alternative though I  
> know vuze
> is available on the mac (my brother uses vuze in windows) and i  
> think it too
> has a built-in search feature bu tI didnt find it all that easy to  
> use.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mike Reiser" <blindgu...@gmail.com>
> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 8:16 PM
> Subject: Re: my 2 months with a mac
>> The only thing I'll use windows for is soulseek which is a  
>> filesharing
>> app I use to find stuff, there's no good alternative for mac and the
>> ones that are available either aren't accessible or haven't been
>> updated.  Unison works great for usenet although I couldn't figure  
>> out
>> the program interface so have been using sites like binsearch.  Can't
>> really comment on the ocr programs but I like vlc for listening to
>> books and things, itunes is good too.
>> Mike
>> On Oct 21, 2009, at 4:23 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Oh, I guess it wouldn't be. Window Eyes is more like a serial you
>>> enter I think. That's nice. Well, JAWS doesn't like it for obvious
>>> reason, but it can be annoying.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Oct 21, 2009, at 11:21 AM, Portia wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Nope, Window-Eyes isn't like that.
>>>> Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Well, I believe EchoLink does exist on the Mac-side as EchoMac,
>>>>> last I
>>>>> heard and extremely accessible.
>>>>> As for using Windows, it's all probably about taking the plunge  
>>>>> to a
>>>>> new operating system and letting go of Windows. I've pretty much
>>>>> completed that step, but there is only one minor thing. Mudding.
>>>>> That
>>>>> is the only thing I actually do on Windows now. I did hear the
>>>>> developer of the MUD-client Atlantis might be adding VoiceOver
>>>>> support, hopefully. Otherwise I'll just use Terminal.
>>>>> I use VUScan and ReadIris for my scanning needs.
>>>>> As for virtual machines, mine runs quite efficiently. It all  
>>>>> depends
>>>>> how you have set the ram allocation. Make sure not to set it too
>>>>> high,
>>>>> otherwise memory swapping will occur. A good idea is to test
>>>>> different
>>>>> setups before installing any screen reader licenses such as
>>>>> authorization keys for JAWS and so-forth. Otherwise when changing
>>>>> the
>>>>> ram for your Windows machine, JAWS will think it is a new computer
>>>>> and
>>>>> require you to reactivate. Window-Eyes is probably the same way.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Nic
>>>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>>>> MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
>>>>> AIM: cincinster
>>>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>>>> Facebook Profile
>>>>> My Twitter
>>>>> On Oct 21, 2009, at 9:16 AM, Tony Bernedal wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Anouk.
>>>>>> I have also used my mac for around 3 months now, and like you I
>>>>>> still
>>>>>> use windows for a couple of things. I trying to get the scanning
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> ocr to work on the mac but for now windows and omnipage have to  
>>>>>> do
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> jobb. I had a license for windows xp lying on the shelf from a no
>>>>>> longer working laptop and I installed xp with vmware as a virtual
>>>>>> machine and doing my scanning there and it works good but the
>>>>>> virtual
>>>>>> machine is very slow. I also use windows for Echolink, wich is a
>>>>>> ham-radio software wich don't exist on the mac. Also the software
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> setup and program my hamradio stations is only windows programs.
>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>> very happy mac user now and after some updates to snow leopard my
>>>>>> problems with it is gone.
>>>>>> I hope the issue with the thumbkey on your display can be  
>>>>>> solved. I
>>>>>> have same issue with alva satelite.
>>>>>> I also have a battle with EyeTV software wich for some odd reason
>>>>>> doesn't find my tv channels on the cable network. And it is also
>>>>>> very
>>>>>> tricky to use with VO. I use VLC for webradio and movies and it
>>>>>> works
>>>>>> great (vlc version 1.x doesn't work under windows and linux at  
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> with screenreader, only on mac, great!).
>>>>>> And I also like the speed, starting my windows pc here at works
>>>>>> take
>>>>>> forever and the mac is at the desktop in almost 0 time. And, the
>>>>>> sleep
>>>>>> works well too.
>>>>>> So I'm happy with my mac system.
>>>>>> Good luck with your mac!
>>>>>> Regards Tony
>>>>>> 2009/10/21, a radix <anou...@home.nl>:
>>>>>>> Hello, I have been using my mac for about 2 months now  
>>>>>>> especially
>>>>>>> at school
>>>>>>> although at home I still often use my pc and I will explain  
>>>>>>> below
>>>>>>> why. In
>>>>>>> general my experiences with the mac have been very positive
>>>>>>> especially after
>>>>>>> installing snow leopard. I can use skype and msn just as well as
>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>> my pc.
>>>>>>> And after I dumped itunes and started using vlc instead watching
>>>>>>> movies and
>>>>>>> listening to music became a breeze. I recently bought apples
>>>>>>> office
>>>>>>> suite
>>>>>>> because I prefer that over using textedit or the free text
>>>>>>> editors/
>>>>>>> office
>>>>>>> suits that are available. I am also intending to go and use  
>>>>>>> garage
>>>>>>> band in
>>>>>>> the future if I can get that working with my yamaha keyboard. I
>>>>>>> like the
>>>>>>> built-in speakers and sound quality alhtough listening through  
>>>>>>> its
>>>>>>> sound
>>>>>>> output with my own in ear monitors is nothing special. I still
>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>> the internet on the mac a bit mor ework then i did while using  
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>> pc and it
>>>>>>> goes a bit slower also when reading docucments i notice that I
>>>>>>> cannot
>>>>>>> endlessly use the right thumb key on my braille display to
>>>>>>> continue
>>>>>>> reading,
>>>>>>> eventually i have to press the right arrow on my normal keyboard
>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>> I want
>>>>>>> to read onm. This does become irritating after a while if you  
>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>> to read
>>>>>>> long documents.
>>>>>>> At home I still mostly use my windows pc although i now have
>>>>>>> gotten
>>>>>>> mail
>>>>>>> working on the mac as well because 1. I use omnipage pro 16  
>>>>>>> under
>>>>>>> windows to
>>>>>>> scan my books for school, while I know that there are some
>>>>>>> scanning
>>>>>>> solutions for the mac that i will probbably try once the hp
>>>>>>> drivers
>>>>>>> for sl
>>>>>>> have been released I just dont know if they will be as good and
>>>>>>> easy as
>>>>>>> using omnipage pro 16 and am a bit hesistant to try it because  
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> that (I
>>>>>>> really really hope that a full version of finereader will
>>>>>>> eventually be
>>>>>>> released for the mac since I have heard it can rival omnipage
>>>>>>> pro).
>>>>>>> Secondly there is filesharing, i will be brief. Ftp does work on
>>>>>>> the mac
>>>>>>> with transmit which I rather like although I have not registered
>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>> yet,
>>>>>>> questions i asked its support team went unanswered. Usenet also
>>>>>>> works but
>>>>>>> udner windows I preferred to use other programs which are not
>>>>>>> available on
>>>>>>> the mac.
>>>>>>> The third point is playing games which I do a lot on the pec
>>>>>>> especially
>>>>>>> interactive fiction and muds. There is an interpreter for
>>>>>>> interactive
>>>>>>> fiction called zoom which I tried and although I can open games
>>>>>>> with it
>>>>>>> saved games were a problem for me since I could not open a saved
>>>>>>> game file
>>>>>>> (made in frotz).
>>>>>>> For muds the situation on the mac is not so good, I play them  
>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>> the time
>>>>>>> on windows but there is only one mudclient that I know of which
>>>>>>> works under
>>>>>>> sl and which is still being developed, jamochamud which works
>>>>>>> under
>>>>>>> java. It
>>>>>>> is not too accessible at the moment but the programmer has
>>>>>>> promised
>>>>>>> to look
>>>>>>> at it, still it does not offer all the features even then that I
>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>> used to
>>>>>>> on a windows client.
>>>>>>> As soon as windows 7 becomes officially available I am  
>>>>>>> planning to
>>>>>>> install
>>>>>>> it on my mac (probbably via bootcamp) so that I at least can use
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>> mac all
>>>>>>> the time even if I need to use windows, hopefully for the  
>>>>>>> scanning
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> downloading tasks I will in the future be able to use the mac
>>>>>>> and I
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> hopes for muds as well but for now at least my mac is mostly  
>>>>>>> used
>>>>>>> at school
>>>>>>> and in the library.
>>>>>>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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