Will do or at least will try, smile.

Right now it's not hard to use, but I like the way echolink is set up.

73, VA7MAI

On 19-Oct-09, at 7:32 AM, John W. Carty wrote:

> Please let me know how you get along with echomac.
> I cannot afford a lot of radio equipment at the moment so internet  
> linking is my ham radio focus.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
> ] On Behalf Of May McDonald
> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 9:09 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: mac vs windows
> Hi, I just found echomac and can say it does work and it's set up very
> differently from echolink.  There's probably a way to change it so it
> looks like echolink but since I just got it yesterday I haven't had a
> chance to play around and figure out much yet.
> May, VA7MAI
> On 19-Oct-09, at 6:30 AM, John W. Carty wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I've been a windows and windows screen reader user for some twenty
>> years. I'm considering making the leap to a mac.
>> I'm also a ham radio operator and I've just started getting into
>> internet radio linking using echo link.
>> There's an app called "echomac" which is a mac version of the echo
>> link software.
>> Has anyone used this application and have they compared it to the
>> windows version?
>> Also, using skype and an application called w4qm general license
>> holders can access remote base stations and operate on the hf bands
>> without owning a hf rig and antenna.
>> Is there a mac equivalent for w4qm software?
>> How does all this operate using voice over?
>> Finally, does voice over provide for individual scripting? If not,
>> how do you configure the screen reader top support new applications?
>> Thanx,
>> John Carty
> >

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