I think I have found the procedure for getting AFP to automatically open the 
scanned pages in textedit.
You must select “scan to rtf” in step #3. Then, when you press the “finish 
import” button in step#6, AFP will automatically bring up the save dialog where 
you export the scanned doc to an RTF document using the default title of 
Untitled for a filename. Make sure the box for Open saved results after export 
is checked, and since all rtf docs open with textedit by default in OS X, 
textedit will open with your scanned pages.

Good Luck and let us know how it works.
> On Dec 15, 2014, at 4:18 PM, Phil Halton <philh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Daniela, this is how I scan documents using AFP.
> 1, in the “new task” screen, I select my scanner from the source table.
> 2, I check the “go right” checkbox to the left of the source table. That 
> brings up a scroll area to the right of the source table which   contains 
> buttons for  all the document types that I can scan to.
> 3, in the scroll area , I interact and click the button for .rtf format 
> document (just my personal choice, you can select any doc type you want.)
> 4, this brings up a “import” window, and my scanner makes an initial pass 
> over the document. 
> in this window there all kinds of settings that will affect your scan 
> results. probably the most important is the color depth setting. press the 
> color depth button and set it to “gray scale” it’s the optimum setting for 
> OCR. Also suggested is setting the resolution to 300DPI. the other settings 
> are self-explanatory, set them as you wish for best results.
> 5, at the far right/bottom of the window are the “scan” and “finish import” 
> buttons. With the document on the scanner, press “scan” for each page of the 
> document. Note: you can set 
> AFP to automatically scan after a pause allowing you to change pages on the 
> scanner, but unless you’re scanning a big doc, I find it best to manually 
> scan each page.
> 6, when done scanning pages, I press the “finish import” button and AFP OCR’s 
> the scanned pages, and then brings up a “save” dialog. I use the default 
> filename of untitled and press export. I then get a dialog asking if I want 
> to replace the previous Untitled document. I press the “replace” button and 
> textedit opens with my scan results. I can then do what I like with the 
> results and close textedit when done.
> 7, returning to AFP, I find myself in the “untitled” window which contains 
> tools for selecting areas on the scanned doc, and a lot of stuff I don’t 
> bother trying to use as it is mostly useful for sighted people. They can draw 
> borders around tables and other areas for additional scanning etc.
> 8, Now here’s where you want to set AFP to automatically export the scanned 
> results to textedit or some other viewing program. Unfortunately, I can’t 
> seem to find any setting for automatic export either. However, you can simply 
> press Command + S to start the export process manually. If I’m not mistaken, 
> auto export/save is not an actual setting from within AFP, but is done 
> somehow in OS X, telling it to automatically open AFP’s scan results in 
> textedit. I’m going to look into this because it really bothers me not to 
> know.
> I hope this has been somewhat helpful.

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