Having spent a little more time using the version control dialog/window, I have 
found that you can review previous versions either by setting the slider 
control to a version and then using the window chooser to bring up that version 
window, or, by restoring a copy of the currently selected version.
This is done by doing an option click on the restore button. Route the mouse to 
the restore button, then press the option key, and when you hear “restore a 
copy”, press the mouse pad to do a mouse click.
This will create a second window in the app containing a copy of the selected 
version and you can command tab back and forth between it, and the current 
version. Doing so closes the version control dialog, so you’ll have to bring it 
up again from the file menu.

On Nov 24, 2014, at 4:58 PM, Phil Halton <philh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I  did the same thing just a few minutes ago, creating four versions of a 
> document with a single line of text saying, “this is line x” where x is the 
> version #, and doing a manual save after each change to x.
> I have found the following very accessible means of browsing and restoring 
> previous versions of a given document.
> 1 First, each time you save your work by pressing Command-S, or by closing a 
> document, it seems a new version is created.
> Next, using the window chooser Command - F2-F2, I found several windows, 
> first was a choice for the extras menu, which only seems to close out the 
> version control window and return you to the document - kind of like a 
> canceling  effect. I don’t know why its there, but I just ignore it for now.
> 3 The other windows are the browser control window - this is where you can 
> browse through the various versions.
> the next window in the chooser list is the currently displayed document 
> version.
> finally, the last window in the chooser list is the version pointed to in the 
> browser control slider - usually the current version.
> 4 Select the browser control window and there you will find that by 
> interacting with the slider, you will be able to VO arrow right and left 
> through the various versions. The most recent  version is leftmost in the 
> slider, and the rightmost is the oldest version. In my case, with four 
> versions, the slider contained four distinct positions. So, the number of 
> positions available in the slider corresponds to the number of versions with 
> the leftmost being newest and the rightmost being the oldest.
> 5 You can’t actually review the document in the browser control window. You 
> have to  set the slider to the desired version and then use the window 
> chooser again,   to select “current version” which will be the version the 
> slider is pointing to.
> Then you can review the document (no editing available at this point) and see 
> if its the version you want.
> I don’t know if you then have to go back into the browser controls to make it 
> the current document, but that’s a small point that can be figured out. you 
> can also use the browser controls to delete versions that you don’t want. 
> Deleting a version  changes the number of slider positions in the browser 
> control slider to reflect the new number of versions.
> I was easily able to select each of the four versions, by counting backward 
> through the versions in the slider, correctly predicting which version would 
> appear when chosen via the window chooser.
> The other buttons in the browser dialog are self-explanatory.
> I’m very happy to see this versioning facility is available to us. 
> Now, I just have to remember to “save my work” after every brilliant idea or 
> completed section of work. If you don’t do a manual save, you can’t retrieve 
> that work through the versioning controls.
> tomorrow I go to the Apple store to pick up a time capsule. These two 
> solutions working in tandem should give me all the file backup I’m looking 
> for.
> Maybe “reverting to prior document versions” would make a good topic for a 
> podcast.
> Nov 24, 2014, at 3:38 PM, David Griffith <daj.griff...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have just had a play with the revert feature.
>> Basically I created four different versions of short document all with the 
>> same text except to say they said first version, second version etc.
>> I think the problem is that the revert feature console has some un labelled 
>> button next to the file version which is confusingly  On described by 
>> voiceover as a vertical slider.
>> As far as I can see there is  no way of sliding anything unless it relates 
>> to  the date. Of course all my document versions were created today.
>> However by constantly bringing  up window chooser to switch to the revert 
>> console I found I was able to retreat to previous versions of my document by 
>> pressing the first of these unlabelled buttons.
>> To see the impact of hitting this button you need to bring up Window Chooser 
>> again.. Essentially when I brought up window chooser I had three items.
>> 1. Revert Console
>> 2. The previous Version of the document brought up by hitting the un 
>> labelled button.. 
>> 3. The current version  of the document.
>> I found that by repeatedly  hitting the un labelled button I was able to 
>> eventually march the   document in window 2 back to the original version of 
>> the document I created.
>> In window 3 I always had the latest version of the document.
>> Thats as far as I took my playing with this but I note  that there are also 
>> restore and done buttons on the Revert console which presumably do  what 
>> they say they do.
>> am a little tired tonight but if I have more of a play later tomorrow I 
>> might be able to offer more help.
>> David Griffith
>> On     24  Nov 2014, at 19:50, Eugenia Firth <gigifi...@me.com> wrote:
>>> Hi there
>>> You have my condolences on that because this is happened to me too. In my 
>>> case, my latest disaster happened in pages. Do you have a time machine 
>>> backup? At least in Mavericks, the ability to get previous versionwas 
>>> somewhat limited. Sometimes you can get the last one opened by going into 
>>> the file menu and trying from there. But it doesn't always get what you 
>>> want. I haven't tried it yet in Yosemite to see if it's better.
>>> Gigi
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Nov 24, 2014, at 11:58 AM, Phil Halton <philh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Is the restore prior versions functionality accessible with VO? Does 
>>>> anyone know how auto save and versioning works on the Mac and how we can 
>>>> prevent disasters like the one I experienced today?
>>>> Today something got  screwed  up and I lost some work in a text edit 
>>>> document. I tried  browsing prior versions as the last resort and couldn’t 
>>>> make much good headway in the version browsing dialog.
>>>> I wound up having to retype as best I could from memory the absolutely 
>>>> brilliant;-) writing I had lost.
>>>> That’s a real problem and I think there’s got to be a better way. Any help 
>>>> out there?
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