That is a first. The general public now dictates what the disabled public gets? Apple develops products for the mainstream market...and they also have enabled these same products to be usable by the disabled. Can amy other comppany claim that?

We all can walk into any Apple store along with the sighted general public and buy the same products they do and use the same products alongside them.

And if we have an issue with our product, we can walk into any Apple store or cal their toll free number and get the same assistance.

Why should we expect any different treatment? Because we are blind? That, IMO, is shortsightedness and perhaps even pompous. It certainly will not get one very far.

No one is glossing over anything. On the other hand, some are over the top downright unreasonable.

From The Believer. . .
 . . . what if it were true?

On 10/19/2014 2:02 PM, Pamela Francis wrote:
I'm normally not one to complain for the sake of complaining. I am a realist. I know that we as a market are a minority within Apple's customer base. I will give them credit where it's due. They did take the lead in accessibility. However, mainstream society has caught on to the fact that Apple products are accessible to blind people. That in itself is a double edge sword. None of us want to be put into a corner and told what is good for us by our cited peers. we want general society to except what we can use on its own merit showing them we can use products that they can use. there are still those who think that Apple products are simply all we can use. It's an all or nothing statement within the cited community as much as it is within our community. If that same statement is made with an aside a community, no one gripes. However if we say anything, we're complaining. Apple has become aware of what the cited community believes it's capable of doing for us, therefore they have
become lackadaisical forcing us to settle for whatever they throw at us, as it 
has been within Windows another third-party screen readers. If I go in to the 
grocery store and purchase what is supposed to be a complete packaged product, 
get it home find out it isn't, take it back to the store; am I complaining 
because I can't see? I don't think so.
What I'm getting at by this rant is if there is a given feature supported by a 
given manufacturer that is designed for us or any other accessibility 
community, it should be fully featured and attended to with the same fervor as 
is done for the majority of its customer base. The fact that they maintain an 
accessibility line within itself on its face is a good thing. However, if those 
people truly have no say as to how things are done, are they there only for 
lipservice? I'm not willing to walk into a store, pay the same price for a 
product that my cited peers do and not have a right to complain about its 
functionality whether it's for me or for my cited peers. We as a blind 
community for too many years have been told we had to settle for second place. 
In many cases prior to the Internet we didn't have a means to communicate with 
people are issues, therefore we were forced to settle. That is no longer the 
case. To those who choose to regale the things that Apple does without being w
illing to admit apples faults, you are hurting all of us. Take that for what 
it's worth.

Pam Francis

On Oct 19, 2014, at 2:23 PM, The Believer <> wrote:

   I did not have a disastrous experience. I had just gotten a new Macbook with 
Mountain Lion and Mavericks came out shortly after that. And history repeats 
itself today with Yosemite.

   There were many complaints about Mavericks. Meanwhile, I worked with ML, 
trying to forget Windows. Finally I upgraded to Mavericks about a month ago! 

   I am still learning to use the Mac but it may not take me as long to move to 
Yosemite. Maybe a month? I will install iOS 8 at the same time but not intil 
both are better behaved.

 From The Believer. . .
. . . what if it were true?

On 10/19/2014 12:15 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
I agree.  While I would stop short of placing Apple on a pedestal, as no one or 
company is worthy of that level of responsibility, I am realistic about the 
varying preferences and needs of a customer base consisting of millions of 
people, and I am steadfastly grateful for Apple and its integral part in 
allowing me to complete the essential tasks of my job and to enjoy much of what 
my sighted peers enjoy on a reasonably equitable playing field out of the box.
I intend to write to Apple as someone who continues to appreciate its devices 
and software a great deal, and urge it not to forget little me and those like 
I think any "absolutist" or all-or-nothing statements do no good.
I decided after a disastrous experience with Mavericks when it was first 
released that I would never again update immediately after a first release. I 
am anxious to avail myself of continuity, hand off, iBooks, and answering calls 
on my MacBook, but I can wait.  I know for a fact that a VoiceOver lag will 
bother me in the extreme, and the very first thing I did was read Applevis's 
article on the bugs, even though I had no intention of updating right away.  I 
am currently content, and I await Yosemite's evolution.

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