Cheree Heppe here:

Braille aware devices could be said to come in two basic types: displays and 
note takers.  Now, a hybrid type having some note taking capabilities also are 

Which Braille device you may prefer is personal.  Unfortunately, a blind user 
cannot simply memorize one set of operational commands and then use those to 
evaluate every brand of Braille aware device.  Each company designs commands 
and key press combinations special to that company into their devices.  
Sometimes, the command structure varys widely even within one company's 

I have not seen many of these Braille devices and can speak from limited direct 
experience.  I have liked a device not supported by HumanWare now, called the 
PK.  This operated easily and nearly silently and was small and easily 
portable.  It had good word processsing and other useful apps and interfaces.  
The company who made these, Baum Retec, out of Germany, now has a U.S. 
subsidiary in Massachusetts.  Their note takers are pretty useful, but I must 
admit to difficulty learning their command structure.  That could be me, 
however and your milage may vary.

I've heard of something for unfer F1,000.00 called the Braille Pen.  It now has 
cursor routing capability.  I am not familiar with what it can or cannot do.  
It is small and portable.

I guess I would contact the American Council of the Blind and ask about 
resources and user experiences with Braille aware devices.  You could also 
contact the NFB or your local rehab agency, providing the agency is worth the 
trouble where you are served.

What I did was to obtain a used PK and send it to Oehm Electronics in San Jose, 
California to get the very long lasting battery they have access to and to get 
the machine looked at.  This way, I could use the PK and maybe even pay the 
nearly $400 to HumanWare to get the last update for that device.  My PK I sent 
to Baum to be upgraded to one of their Pronto devices.  This will give me 
multi-connect Bluetooth capability and a lot of functionality.  I do have to 
re-learn how to use that newly upgraded device, however.

Hope this has helped and not confused.  Oh, yes.  A lot of people seem to like 
the Hymms (sp) devices.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my IPhone 4S

On 18 Sep 2014, at 7:28, Cameron Strife <> wrote:

Hi. I'm selling a mint condition humanware brailliant bi40
bluetooth/USB braille display that works with iOS, OSX, and windows if
you'd be interested...

I found the braille cells to have a nice solid feel without being
"sharp" like other displays I looked at before purchasing it.

Hit me up off list for more info.



> On 9/18/14, Yuma Antoine Decaux <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> So I've decided to jump to reading braille after a few years of being blind.
> Can anyone recommend me a good high quality braille device, bluetooth
> enabled such and such that I can start using braille tutor with and learn to
> read this semester?
> Best regards,
> Yuma Antoine Decaux
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> Mob: +642102277190
> Skype: Shainobi1
> twitter:
> --
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