Hi list, i did get a reply from algoriddim about the missing scratch  
feature with voice over

Here is the reply, i think it can be good as they did take the time to  
look into it



Begin forwarded message:

> From: algoriddim Support <supp...@algoriddim.net>
> Date: October 4, 2009 7:39:03 AM GMT+07:00
> To: Yuma Antoine Decaux <jamy...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Just purchased software
> Hi Yuma,
> thanks for the feedback, we will look into it and try to fix the  
> problem.
> Amanda
> Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I've just purchased DJ3, and would like to thank you for this  
>>> release. Its a great toy to have for either home parties or for  
>>> making mixes on the fly with voice on.
>>> I I would like to know if you have heard of voice over. It is a  
>>> screen reading software integrated in the mac os which visually  
>>> impaired use.
>>> here is the link to apple's section on accessibility
>>> www.apple.com/accessibility
>>> I have checked DJ3 for myself, and i have difficulties reaching  
>>> the turntables. Actually, i cannot access it with voice over.  
>>> Would it be a possibility to make hotspots to the two turntables  
>>> available so that VO users can directly get to the turntables and  
>>> enjoy the scratching feature?
>>> Your software is making a buzz on several VI lists, and the only  
>>> thing which is not accessible are the turntable scratches. The  
>>> rest works perfectly and are a pleasure to manipulate.
>>> Thank you for your attention, and kindest regards
>>> Yuma Decaux

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