Minus the CD slot though, am i limiting myself since if I remember 
correctly, the macBook Pro has more than the Air for ports, 
connections/connectors drives, i.e., SSD or the other kind with moving 
parts? Its my hope that I'll be able to get the best performance, like an 
SSD drive and the largest storage capacities, but can't remember if and or 
how these options may differ between both models.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Alex Hall
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 8:49 PM
  Subject: Re: Returning Subscriber.

  CD drives are indeed going away, and no Air has them anyway. The last 
Macbook to include one is from 2012, and you'd be limiting yourself to 
relatively old hardware and a larger computer just to get a disk drive, when 
you can go with the latest Mac and just get a USB drive. As to the models, 
here's an article I wrote on this topic, exactly to explain what all the Mac 
models are and what the differences are:

  On Sep 14, 2014, at 8:45 PM, Anita <silky...@gmail.com> wrote:

    I definitely want a macBook, because of it being portable, but am 
confused by the various models? can someone explain, please? Thanks. is it 
advisable to get one with a CD slot? From what I know, CD'S are going by the 
wayside, so not sure if its worth the extra cost.
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: BBS
      To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
      Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 8:38 PM
      Subject: Re: Returning Subscriber.

      Hi Anita. I don't remember if you were on this list when I joined 4 
years ago, but if so, welcome back. If you end up buying a new Mac, odds are 
whenever you do, it'll probably be preloaded with the new OS, Yosemite. If 
it doesn't, Mavericks has done what I need it to do. As for older OS's I 
don't think Apple has Mountain Lion on the mac App Store anymore. And you 
can forget about Tiger because chances are that your new Mac won't support 
it. As for asking questions about my Mac and Voiceover, I hardly ever 
contact Apple Accessibility. I ask all my questions right here and most 
people are very knowledgeable. Good luck on whatever computer you decide to 

      Sent From My White Macbook
        ----- Original Message ----- 
        From: Alex Hall
        To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
        Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 7:04 PM
        Subject: Re: Returning Subscriber.

        I'd go for a Macbook Air. With 4GB of ram, and 128GB of storage, 
you'd only spend $899. I'd suggest upgrading the storage, though. The only 
differences between the 11-inch and 13-inch are the price, an SD card slot 
in the 13-inch, and smaller function keys on the top row, and arrow keys, on 
the 11-inch.

        As to questions, Apple Accessibility is good, but I found it easier 
to email this list when I was learning. Both are great resources, though, 
and nothing stops you from using them both. Don't forget about 
www.applevis.com as well, where you'll find forums, guides, podcasts, and so 
on. There's even a link on the homepage for those new to the Mac.

        On Sep 14, 2014, at 7:27 PM, Anita <silky...@gmail.com> wrote:

          Hi List,
              I was on this list once before, and decided to join again, as 
i'm trying to do my homework in the way of shopping around for a new 
computer. had a macBook Pro for a very short time, but returned it, because 
i didn't feel very accomplished after completing tasks and Apple 
Accessibility Tech support was on the phone for hours, but couldn't grasp 
all concepts.
              Since then, I've purchased a book on the subject, and its my 
hope that i'll be better equipped to deal with my potential new computer as 
a whole. VoiceOver is part of the OS I know, but whitch OS works best in the 
way of accessibility, i.e., Mavericks, Mountain Lion or Tiger? Which model 
of the macBook is the most usable and popular for blind users? i don't need 
anything with extreme graphics, and don't think this would have any impact 
on VoiceOver describing labeled graphics. Aren't that type of graphics and 
display more visually appealing for the sighted? I know windows  8 is out, 
but feel the OS has changed drastically, and feel a change is needed. Do 
people usually utelize Apple Accessible tech support or this list for 
problems and questions?  There's only a limited amount of time that Apple 
Accessible tech support can help me, and just wanna be sure I've covered all 
my bases properly.

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        Have a great day,
        Alex Hall

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  Have a great day,
  Alex Hall

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