Hi Jeff,


Through some trial and error with JFW in Fusion, I found a couple
interesting things when working on a Mac keyboard with no number pad.


What I found was that when in Windows  in Fusion, turn on keyboard help with
Capslock+1 on the number row so you can play.


FN+semicolon, This should activate the JAWS cursor.

FN+slash  This will activate the PC cursor.

FN +CapsLock+semicolon  This is the route PC to JAWS

FN +CapsLock+slash  This will route Jaws to PC


Experiment with FN + the keys on the righthand side of the keyboard .  What
is happening is that the FN key + the keys on the righthand side of the
keyboard are acting as a numpad.  So, you can also find the combos to right
and left click and page up/pagedown just like on the numpad.


I do find this to be a pain and will take some getting used too, but, it
does work.


Try it out and good luck.


Hope this helps.





From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jeff Bishop
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2014 5:20 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: insert key remapping not working on right side of the keyboard
under Fusion ...


I am not using SharpKeys to remap the capslock key though.


From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Chris Moore
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 12:13 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: insert key remapping not working on right side of the keyboard
under Fusion ...



If you're running Seil, you don't need sharp keys.  Seil can remap the caps
lock key to the insert key.  Carabiner also gives you a numeric keypad which
you can access using the fn plus the keys on the right side (7 8 9 u i o j k
l m / ; p 0).



On Aug 26, 2014, at 1:24 PM, Jeff Bishop <j...@jeffbishop.com> wrote:


Hello Everyone,


OK, this is a very strange one and I am hoping someone can lend some advice


I have a MacBook Pro running Fusion. I use Seil and Karabiner to remap my
caps lock key to the Insert key. I use SharpKeys to flip my alt and window
key mappings and all of this is working as I expect, with one exception.


I normally use a full sized Apple keyboard while at the office with a
numeric keypad on the right. So, this means that the caps lock key doesn't
play a role here for the most part and everything works well for me using
the JAWS desktop layout.


I have found that if I use the insert key on the numeric keypad or the caps
lock key while in Laptop mode that none of the keys past the J key work.
Meaning, I can do things like insert-t, caps lock plus s, etc., etc. but
anything on the right-hand side of the keyboard doesn't work.


Something interesting to note is that the laptop keys don't work whether
using caps lock or the insert key on the numeric keypad past the letter J.


Has anyone run into this issue at all? If so your advice is hugely


I am wondering if the newer versions of Karabiner or Seil have broken
something here?





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