You can go to system preferences internet accounts and then go to the internet 
accounts table and interact with it. 
Next vo right arrow to the account you want to delete and stop interacting with 
the internet accounts table. 
Next vo right arrow to delete the selected account and then press vo space bar 
to delete the account.
On Jul 21, 2014, at 6:20 AM, Mark Baxter <> wrote:

> What is the most VO friendly way to delete a FB or Twitter account using 
> Safari 6.1.5, Mountain Lion and Voiceover?  Alternatively, can this be done 
> from the IOS app?  I find it impossible to navigate the friends or followers 
> lists with my iPad 2, and the website is very VO unfriendly.
> Thanks.
>  * Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> -- 
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