You should definitely try the Ivox demo then, see if any of their voices are to 
your liking. Sounds like it might be worth the expense in your case. Their site 
is not straightforward, but you can use it. Don't have the direct link, but 
Google will find it.

On 19 Jul 2014, at 08:29, Daniel McGee <> wrote:

> Yes I have tried the rest of the male voices in the collection but I keep 
> either coming back to Alex or Daniel. They seem at least to my ears, to be 
> more understandable. I have tried the female ones but with them I find a lot 
> of the time I'll miss a lot of words and by then I've completely lost sense 
> of the text being spoken aloud. I'm glad there are some here who know how I 
> feel about these voices as they do too.
> On 18 Jul 2014, at 16:21, Annie Skov Nielsen <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Most of the time i use
>> the voices from infovox. I use heather and the danish voices. They are not 
>> really expensive anymore, you can buy them for a reasonable price. You will 
>> not have to pay upgrades all the time, mine is very old, and they have been 
>> upgraded a lot of times.
>> Best regards Annie.Den 18/07/2014 kl. 14.51 skrev David Taylor 
>> <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I know exactly what you mean. None of the voices are clear and reliable on 
>>> pronunciation. For this, and other reasons, I'm currently trying Moira, the 
>>> Irish voice, but if you need a male for hearing reasons, she is not an 
>>> option. Have you tried Lee, Tom etc? Go to vo utility, speech, voices, and 
>>> when you get to default voice, go in there and go to customise. In there, 
>>> you can hear samples of every voice Apple have, to see if one works. 
>>> Otherwise, if none of them do, you might want to try Infovox Ivox voices, 
>>> though these are expensive.
>>> Cheers
>>> Dave
>>> On 18 Jul 2014, at 13:17, Daniel McGee <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all, I was just simply wondering, regarding to whatever english voice 
>>>> you use with Voiceover are there at all times, where say your reading a 
>>>> piece of text from Safari and you miss hear the odd word hear and there. 
>>>> I'm sorry if that isn't descriptive or thought out more but to just to 
>>>> explain what I mean further. If, and I'm going to say it, used eloquence, 
>>>> I don't know why but that particular TTS have never gone wrong for me in 
>>>> the form of pronunciation. Where as in contrast, as much as I try to use 
>>>> Alex or any of the other male TTS voices that are available, I find now 
>>>> and then, that I'll miss a word or two when navigating around the web 
>>>> reviewing what I've written etc. Just wondered if I'm the only one. 
>>>> It is weird because I have my rate level set to 40% and I don't want to go 
>>>> down to 35% but with say Elequence, I could comfortably have that around 
>>>> the 45% mark and not miss a thing. 
>>>> So your thoughts are most welcome. Another possibility is that I'm also 
>>>> hearing in pared and wondered if this could have any baring on why I may 
>>>> miss certain words now and again. Its kind of frustrating at times which 
>>>> is why I wondered if it was just me.
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