Cheree Heppe here:

It would seem a difficult task to be a moderater of a list such as this.  The 
topic does involve the IOS and MAC products, their development and future.
Running a list might almost be seen as a type of fiefdom or micro-ecology where 
only certain items and iteas could be permitted.  I guess making this too broad 
would be like making a river into a delta, where no boundaries diminished the 
power of the flow.
So, I'm pretty satisfied with Apple, although I did notice that the Windows 
Surface III really was accessible once the store downloaded and installed NVDA. 
 I do have problems selecting the purchase option once a newly selected app is 
located.  Maybe somebody has a solution.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my IPhone 4S

On 13 Jul 2014, at 11:14, Robert C <> wrote:

  Would you all please take the politics off the list? Go find a more 
appropriate forum for this kind of debate that will continue to spin endlessly.

  Lets get back to OS X issues.

Quote of the nanosecond . . .
Do they ever shut up on your planet?
Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn

> On 7/13/2014 10:02 AM, Marianne Denning wrote:
> I believe the resolutions of American Counsel of the Blind (ACB) use
> very similar language in their resolutions.  I believe both
> organizations, and others around the world, do a lot to change the
> lives of blind people around the world.
>> On 7/13/14, Sabahattin Gucukoglu <> wrote:
>> It's just my opinion, but I think it's the divisive and antagonistic way in
>> which the NFB makes its resolutions which is the source of all the trouble.
>> I don't doubt that what they're advocating for is valid, but their pompous,
>> self-indulgent manner of doing it is highly aggravating and inflammatory,
>> and gives most sighted people (especially those with already ill-conceived
>> notions about blindness) incorrect impressions about the character of
>> honest, gentle folk with vision impairments.  And I'm not American.
>> Of course, people should probably stop long enough to realise just how much
>> they take advantage of in modern life, because of such high-flying
>> advocacy--and rightly so, too, because if we'd all be content to be
>> submissive, we wouldn't have half of it.  The facts really speak for
>> themselves, regardless of what you may think of the bearer.  Inaccessible
>> software is a failure, and that's the end of it.  People can accept it or
>> not, but it's the case, and we need it sorting out.  Apple is in a prime
>> position to make stuff happen.
>> Cheers,
>> Sabahattin
>> --
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