Objective C is a super set of C.  It is the objective component of C.  If 
someone learns objc, it is a reasonable assumption that they have a lot of C 
experience.  If they don't' then they are going to have to learn C.   You never 
just right a program in OBJC.  You always have C mixed in with it.  You don't 
use one with out the other.
ARC is a compiler feature that you can turn off and there's still a lot of 
projects out there that don't even use ARC.  This is all considered legacy by 
Apple at this point as they have maid it very clear that Swift is their 
programming language going forward.  That's not to say that everybody is going 
to rewrite their apps in Swift immediately, but it is going to be fazed out at 
some point.  Probably within the next four years are so.  And yeah, it does 
make sense.

On Jul 5, 2014, at 9:12 PM, Littlefield, Tyler <ty...@tysdomain.com> wrote:

I beg to differ. Learning objective c -does not- mean that you know c. As I 
already said, objective c handles resource allocation and deletion for you via 
ARC. c also works differently in a lot of cases where objective c does not. 
Sure you don't have classes, but there are other differences as wel, including 
the preprocessor.

On 7/5/2014 9:49 PM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
> I should have been clearer when I said that by learning Objective C one would 
> inherently know how to program in C, because I really meant to emphasise that 
> it's C you should learn, but as it happens it's actually the case, because 
> Objective-C is a proper superset of C, unlike C++.  So while you might learn 
> Objective-C simply to operate within Apple's infrastructure, still you are 
> learning the C language, which is just Objective-C without the 
> object-oriented bits.  Unfortunately, too many people come to C with the 
> expectation that it's as high-level as it looks, which is of course not the 
> case, though it's an easy mistake to make.
> The ebook is Apple's official description of the language, a bit like "The C 
> Programming Language" (also on iBooks) is the canonical tome for C 
> programmers.  Highly recommended.
> Cheers,
> Sabahattin

Take care,
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.

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