Hi, David,

Wow, there's a name from the past.  My name is Mike Busboom, and we 
corresponded with one another in an earlier life.

I went to your website, and I will go back frequently.

Welcome to the list.  I'm still in Vienna after all these years.


On 19,Jun,2014, at 21:06, 'David Goldfield' via MacVisionaries 
<macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> Hello.  I have just been approved as a new member on this list and wanted to 
> write a quick intro message.  I'm an assistive technology specialist and I've 
> been in the field for over 20 years.  I am a long-time user of windows and, a 
> few years ago, my employer purchased an iMac for our classroom.  I'll admit 
> that, for a couple of years, I truly hated using the Mac, which I think was 
> more due to my 20-year windows bias.  After listening to a lot of tutorials 
> and rummaging through a lot of Web sites, I've gotten to the point where I 
> absolutely love using the Mac and would be quite pleased if I could get one 
> for my next computer.  I'm on this list to ask questions as they arise and I 
> also just want to do a lot of reading and try and catch up on gaps in my 
> knowledge which I need to fill.
> I'll tell you that even when I despised the Mac I clearly saw its benefits 
> and I probably could have given a talk to 100 people and might have been able 
> to convince most of them to at least consider switching from Windows to the 
> Mac, even while I was going through my own love-hate relationship with it.  I 
> think that my recent purchase of an iPhone also helped me to warm up to Apple 
> and I'm particularly excited at the integration we're going to see between 
> iOS and Yosemite this fall.
> thanks for being there and I'm glad this list is available.
> -- 
> David Goldfield,
>     Founder and Peer Coordinator,
> Philadelphia Computer Users' Group for the Blind and Visually Impaired
> Feel free to visit my new Web site
> http://www.davidgoldfield.info/
> -- 
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