Hi Jenine, I'm sure this isn't the only way to do this, but usually what I do 
is open the first file, then the second, select all the contents of the second 
file and copy it to the clipboard, go back to the first file and press 
option+End to get to the end of the file, and paste. Not only does it work all 
the time, but the other reason why I like it is that if you want to, you can do 
a mix paste to get just the right join between the two files that you want.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

On 15/06/2014, at 12:14 pm, Jenine Stanley <dragonwalke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oh this is interesting. I deleted my efforts, not all of the originals but my 
> combinations, but now I'm insirpred to try it again and see. Thanks. Awaiting 
> wiser heads too. :)
> Jenine Stanley
> dragonwalke...@gmail.com
> On Jun 14, 2014, at 8:12 PM, Lisette Wesseling <lisettewessel...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Jenine,
>> I'm no expert on this, but sometimes I've done exactly what you describe, 
>> listened back and only heard the one file. When I've saved as .wav and 
>> listened in preview, all the files are, in fact,  there. It may be something 
>> to do with Amadeus Pro only playing a section or the selection. You might 
>> find the files are actually all there. I've not really read Amadeus Pro 
>> manuals, so others will have more informed comments. 
>> But just be sure the files are really not all there.
>> HTH
>> Lisette
>> On 15/06/2014, at 8:41 am, Jenine Stanley <dragonwalke...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> So I have 6 files I need to join together to make one single larger file in 
>>> Amadeus Pro. 
>>> I first thought maybe creating a new project and copying each into it would 
>>> work but it did not. No matter where I pasted the new file into the 
>>> project, it and only it was there when I listened to the final result. 
>>> Then I saw Join files on the Sound menu and thought this might work. I 
>>> can't quite figure out how to get my list of files in order to join. 
>>> There's a drag and drop area but I'm a little stumped on how that works. 
>>> Anyone use this feature and can you explain it? If not, how can I join 
>>> these files together to make one larger file? 
>>> Jenine Stanley
>>> dragonwalke...@gmail.com
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