
I am sure there is no solution for upgrading on the mac.

It is one thing that I do not like with the focus 40. Another thing is that you 
can not ajust firmness in the mac, you must connect to windows if you wants to 
have it set to 100 %.

Thank you for providing the link.

Best regards Annie.
Den 07/05/2014 kl. 22.30 skrev Jan Blüher, visorApps <jn.b...@googlemail.com>:

> Hallo Kawal,
> thank you for forwarding the e-mail and the download link. Could you please 
> ask them for a Mac version of the installer? If they do not have one, then 
> just to have their statement ...
> Greetings
> Jan
> ---
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> ---
> Dr. Jan Blüher
> visorApps - Accessible apps for iPad & iPhone
> Bayreuther Str. 2
> D-01187 Dresden
> Germany
> phone: +49 (0) 351 16053907
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> web: http://visorApps.com
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> tax number: DE281706766
> Am 07.05.2014 um 22:05 schrieb Kawal Gucukoglu <kawa...@me.com>:
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Freedom Scientific Technical Support <supp...@freedomscientific.com>
>>> Date: 7 May 2014 08:27:32 pm BST
>>> To: "'kawa...@me.com'" <kawa...@me.com>
>>> Subject: Focus 40 Blue with an iMac
>>> Thank you for contacting  Technical Support. Before upgrading your Focus 
>>> braille display to have it work with your iMac, I suggest that you should 
>>> try removing the pairing of the Focus with the iMac, and then try to pair 
>>> it again. If this doesn't work, you can download the latest Focus firmware 
>>> from the following location:
>>> https://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/48fw7b
>>> Please use the following instructions to update the Focus Blue firmware.
>>> Focus Blue Firmware Update Procedure
>>> Before You Begin
>>> Review this procedure before attempting to update your unit
>>> Make sure you have the supplied Focus Blue USB cable
>>> Press the unit's Power button and verify the current firmware version. The 
>>> unit's name and firmware version display when the unit turns on.
>>> Download the appropriate Focus Blue firmware file and copy it to a location 
>>> on your computer where you can easily find it later
>>> Updating the Focus Blue Firmware
>>> Using the link above, download and save the appropriate firmware file (ZIP) 
>>> to a location on your computer where you can easily find it, for example, 
>>> your Downloads folder.
>>> Open the file and extract it to a folder where you can find it, for 
>>> example, your Downloads folder.
>>> Plug the braille display into your computer's USB port and wait for the 
>>> unit to turn on. If the Found New Hardware dialog box appears, follow the 
>>> messages to locate the driver.
>>> Run the application file (EXE) for your unit and follow the messages to 
>>> update the firmware.
>>> IMPORTANT: Do not disconnect the unit during the update process.
>>> When the update is finished, you may receive a message telling you to close 
>>> and restart your screen reader before using your braille display.
>>> To verify that the update was successful, press the unit's POWER button to 
>>> display firmware information.
>>> If you have any additional questions regarding this or any other issue, 
>>> please don't hesitate to contact us. 
>>> If replying to this message, Be sure to include all previous correspondence 
>>> pertaining to this matter so that we might better assist you.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Dennis G. Godin
>>> Technical Support Specialist
>>> Freedom Scientific, Inc
>>> 727-803-8600
>>> supp...@freedomscientific.com
>>> www.freedomscientific.com/support.asp
>>> Connect with us:
>> -- 
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