Hi guys, I've had the opportunity to play with virtual box a bit, and
it's definitely not accessible. Your best bet is to stick to VmWare
Fusion since it is by far the most accessible. Hope that helps. Take
On 5/5/14, Caitlyn and Maggie <caitlyn.furn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I use vm fusion.
> I hear that Paralells is not accessable at all.
> There is another possible solution called virtual box, but I don't know
> anything about that.
> You will have to use an external dvd drive to install your windows and
> probably other windows programs, unless you have iso files.
> Which mac air did you get?  I have the eleven and a half inch one myself and
> love it to death!  It's wonderful!  It hasnothing on my imac except disk
> storage.
> Cait
> On May 5, 2014, at 12:40 PM, Tristan <theblinddj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I just ordered a MacBook Air, the model that came out last week. As I
>> said in my past thread, I'm looking to virtualize a copy of Windows 7
>> or Windows 8.1. Which VM solution is more accessible with Voiceover --
>> Parallels or VMWare Fusion? Which app provides the best interface and
>> fluidity between OSes? This is probably a very opinionated topic, so
>> facts would be nice in regards to accessibility, usability and
>> features.
>> --
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