
Thanks for the info posted below. It would sure help with my topic the other 
day about remapping VO keys.

Kind Regards
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Red.Falcon 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 1:03 PM
  Subject: Re: setting up a commander

  Hi Jessica!
  A old post here about getting a Num pad on a Macbook or bluetooth keyboard 
and a link to a podcast showing how to install!
  Other benefits for people using Windows in a virtual machine as well!
  Its all there to hear!

  I'm pasting the text below from my old message to the list.  I cleaned it up 
a little.

  This is the information used to change your caps lock key to the VO or 
Control and Option keys held down together.

  I also use the added bonus of the caps lock working as the insert key in VM 
Fusion Running the Jaws screen reader.

  And, the KeyRemap4Macbook application also creates a   built in number pad on 
the mac laptop and bluetooth keyboard making  the num pad commander now more 

  This has been one of the best changes I have ever made  to my mac.  I hope 
you and others are finding it helpful.

  Eric Caron 

  info follows:

      Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, 
Control and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice over user 
to use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach with the standard 
Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting now automatically creates 
Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine. Finally the application creates a 
number pad on the standard keyboard centred around the letter i.

      This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer 
of these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much easier to 
set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.

      Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
      I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks 
through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast as it 
is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes long but the 
last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the applications and want to 

      Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard, 
have caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as the 
Jaws key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM Fusion.
      Go to the developer web site and download and install both  
KeyRemap4MacBook and PCKeyboardHack.


      Be sure you restart your computer at the end of the install.

      Now go to System Preferences and to Keyboard.  Change the behaviour of 
the Caps lock key to no action. 
      Now also in System Preferences under Other you will find both 
PCKeyboardhack and Keyremap4Macbook.  go to PCKeyboardhack and in the settings 
tab in the first table check the box for change caps lock behaviour then 
interact on the field that currently reads 51.  Press enter after interacting, 
then change the number to 110.  This changes the caps lock key to the windows 
Application key.  then close the application 

      Still in System Preferences and in the Other category go to 
KeyRemap4Macbook.  In the Change Key tab move over to the search field and type 
in "blind voice over" without the quotes.  then arrow right over to the table.  
Interact and you should be on the correct setting.  arrow to the check box and 
select it.  Close the application.

            The new setting name is "Use Caps Lock as Voice Over key."

      Now if you press the caps lock key it will act as if you are pressing the 
Control and Option keys.  You have the original VO keys to use.  as this only 
changes the caps lock key. Also If you press the FN key and letter i you will 
find it is a 5  and the rest of the number pad is there.  If you turn on num 
pad commander you can now use the Voice Over controls with this number pad.

      For VM Fusion users you have another bonus.  The caps lock key  will now 
act as the Jaws key if you are using a VM Fusion machine with windows.
      The Keyremap4macbook application can be used instead of sharp keys or the 
VM fusion key settings.  they should not be used to try to control the same 
keys at the same time.

      The Keyremap4macbook needs to be version 

            7.8.17, or later.

            In VMware Fusion, the Help key will be interpreted as Insert Key.  
As this is often the screen reader modifier in Windows screen readers it will 
now work as the caps lock key.

      for more information here is a helpful link. 


      Here are the steps to update KeyRemap4Macbook if you followed the 
original podcast and used the Private XML.  this is only for those who 
      Please remember this is donation supported.  You will find the donation 
link at the same location you downloaded the applications.

      Below is the link to the new podcast. that walks through these steps.


  On 30 Apr 2014, at 11:42, Jessica <jldai...@gmail.com> wrote:

    I do not have a number pad.

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