One thousand and one reasons to delete your Facebook account. :) OK, here is 
what I used to do. I have  deleted my faceBook account. So, this is mostly off 
of memory but it's the only way I could tolerate basic use of faceBook on my 

Go into Safari preferences.
Go to the Advanced tab.
Check the check box towards the bottom that says something like show Develop 
menu in menu bar. I can't recall the exact words. :)
Then close preferences.
Go to the mobile site for your Facebook account. 
Then go up to the safari menu via the VO plus M command and VO over to the 
develop menu.
Activate this develop menu and go down to the User agent option. A sub menu 
will open.
Go down to the fire fox windows and select this. Make sure it's firefox windows 
and not Mac. The mobile Facebook site will reload.

You should be able to get around fairly easily. I will warn you that you will 
often hear lots of gibberish but it is very easy to use faceBook this way. You 
will not be able to do any advanced settings through the mobile faceBook site 
but you will be able to read posts and make comments. It's not a perfect 
solution but it was the only way I found bearable. :)

To quickly get to a particular spot I would hit my tab key as this would 
quickly put me in the edit box for typing a Facebook update. Then I wouldVO 
down the page past my notifications to read friends status updates. I also had 
set up a web hot spot (can't remember the proper name) so that when my page 
loaded the VO cursor was in the status update text box. This would not always 
hold though for minor changes to the page. :) 

As a side note, I just want to say that I use this develop menu often. If I 
come across a website that seems really cluttered, I will try this develop menu 
and instead of choosing the fire Fox windows option I use the Safari iOS iPhone 
choice. This tricks the website into thinking you on an iPhone and will 
sometimes display their mobile version. It doesn't always do the trick but 
sometimes it's just the thing I need for easier navigation.

Feel free to ask me questions as I am not very good at explaining directions. :)

Best of luck and happy faceBooking,

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