Hi, Anne,

Sorry for not getting back to you in a more expeditious manner.  VoiceOver is 
barely working, but as a very helpful friend on this list has encouraged me to 
do, I will try to remain relaxed and focused.

The German voices I have are from Infovox.  I never used the German VoiceOver 
voices.  how would I get them, and what do I need to do to get the Infovox 
voices to "speak" German again?

Secondly and unfortunately, I just installed the upgrade over what I was 
previously, which was Mountain Lion.  I can't repair permissions because I get 
no response from VO when I click on a lot of the buttons, even when they are 
the default selection.  I may just bring my Mac to the Apple store, along with 
my Time Machine Capsule.  

It took me a very long time to even write this simple note, because VO 
frequently just stops talking for several minutes at a time. However, stopping, 
and then re-starting VO works some of the time, when VO isn't turning itself 
off while I write.  It's odd.  Sometimes when I am writing, the Mac suddenly 
says: "VoiceOver off."  I have a feeling that the problems will go away, once 
permissions have been repaired.

Kindest regards, and please excuse the typos and mistakes!

On 7,Apr,2014, at 15:41, Anne Robertson <a...@anarchie.org.uk> wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> First of all, are you using the German voices provided by Apple or the 
> Infovox iVox voices?
> How did you do your upgrade. Did you do a clean install and import your data 
> from a Time Machine back up or did you just install Mavericks on top of 
> Mountain Lion?
> I think there's a lot to be said for doing a clean install and importing your 
> data from a back up and of course, you need to repair permissions after that.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 7 Apr 2014, at 15:09, Mike Busboom <mbusb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I just upgraded to Mavericks and I am experiencing some of the same things 
>> that others have encountered and mentioned on the list.  VoiceOver is very 
>> choppy, and I really hope that this problem doesn't stick with me forever.
>> I am having another problem, however, where I could use some insight.  I am 
>> unable to switch between German and English though when I cycle through the 
>> voice options using the Control-Option-Command combination, along with the 
>> arrow keys, the German voices are there.  However, when their names are 
>> announced, they are done so using Alex and his American pronunciation.  I am 
>> unable to get my Mac to speak German with the proper German pronunciation. 
>> Does anyone have any ideas about how to address this issue?
>> Thanks.
>> Mike
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