Um, how can I do this without a trackpad?
On Apr 2, 2014, at 7:25 PM, Tim Kilburn <> wrote:

> Hi,
> You've figure right.  As you navigate with VO down your messages list, Mail 
> thinks that you've manipulated that message, so it becomes unread even if you 
> actually didn't read it.  Many VO users turn off the Preview pane and use 
> other methods to read their messages.  One method is by pressing return on 
> the message, which will open it and VO will begin reading the contents of the 
> message.  Just press   cmd-w to close then arrow to the next message or press 
> delete to delete the message with focus and to move on.
> If you do wish to try things without the Preview Pane, here's some 
> instructions I posted back when Mavericks first was released:
> 1.  Go into Mail Prefs and select the Viewing pane. 
> 2.  Check to change to Classic View. 
> 3.  Close Mail Prefs. 
> 4.  Navigate to the Horizontal Splitter after the Messages Table. 
> 5.  Press VO-cmd-f5 to make sure the mouse is focused on the Splitter. 
> 6.  Press down on the Trackpad then drag downwards to the bottom of the 
> physical Trackpad then release.
> You will know that it worked because the splitter will no longer be right 
> after the Messages Table, it will be the last item at the bottom of the 
> window.
> 7.  Change back into Modern View in the Mail Prefs by unchecking the box. 
> 8.  Close the Mail Prefs.
> You will know that the Preview Pane is closed/hidden/disabled by navigating 
> around the Mail window and you will note a Vertical Splitter before and after 
> the Messages Column Group.
> If it's not sticking for you, try quitting Mail after getting rid of the 
> Preview Pane in Classic view.  Once you re-open Mail, you can change back to 
> the Modern View and the change should stick.  At least it has for me numerous 
> times.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Apr 1, 2014, at 3:17 PM, Gabriele Battaglia <> wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> My first question is something very simple and probably already answered in 
>> this list, I apologize for that.
>> I'm talking about mail on Mavericks 10.9.2
>> I would like that the read/unread label of my messages, won't change till I 
>> really open them.
>> Now the unread messages change their status maybe when I pass over them with 
>> the VO cursor as they show up in the preview box.
>> Does exist a way to prevent it?
>> Thanks.
>> Gabriel.
>> --
>> Namasté!
>> Inviato dal mio iMac27. (Libero)
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