Hi Lindsay,

I have always been interested in the topic of special characters on  
account of my passion for foreign languages. I am going to paste some  
tips from Mac users on this list wiht the hope that it will help you.  
See below. I want to apologise for not ecknowledging the individual  
contributions to what I'm pasting below but I do not keep these  
personal details on file. Our list has got several members who are  
absolutely expert in a number of languages and they will I am sure  
happy to help further.
Please remember that mac operating system has many keyboard layouts  
available which you can make active and then switch to them by using  
shortcut keys. This might be your answer. Forgive me if I am not  
understanding your needs here.
With best wishes, Simon

I'm starting a new thread, but this is also in response to Matt's
question about the character palette window.  This is a list of key
combinations you can use to type special symbols on a regular Mac
keyboard with the option key. It should work on any of Apple's English
language input keyboards, except the default currency symbols are
different for British keyboards (as noted).   To compose similar lists
for keyboards in other languages, open TextEdit, hold down the option
key, and try out various combinations of Shift, Command, and Fn while
you press keys on your keyboard.  This is a by-product of figuring out
ways to type accents for other languages -- both with and without
changing input language keyboards.  It's not an exhaustive list.  This
was assembled using a U.S. English input (laptop) keyboard, so all
numbers are typed on the top row keys of the keyboard (no numpad
entries).  Using these combinations, you can type in TextEdit and Mail
and largely avoid having to use the character palette window.

Special Symbols and Characters on the regular Mac Keyboard


1. Currency Symbols
2. Trademark and Copyright Symbols
3. Apple Symbol
4. Math and Greek Character Symbols
5. Copyediting, typesetting, and miscellaneous symbols
6. Punctuation marks: right and left quotation marks for English and
languages; inverted punctuation marks for Spanish

Each entry gives the symbol followed by the descriptive name and the
keyboard combination to press for the symbol.  Additional comments
about context for symbol usage may follow (in parentheses).

Currency Symbols (in addition to $ = Shift+4)

¢  cents        Option+4
£  pound        Option+3 (on a British keyboard Option+3 is # -- the number
    or hash sign that is Shift+3 on U.S. keyboards, while Shift+3 is the
    pound sign)
¥  yen          Option+y
€  Euro         Option+Shift+2 (on a British keyboard this is Option+2)

Trademark and Copyright Symbols

©  copyright    Option+g
®  registered   Option+r
™ trademark     Option+2

Apple Symbol

  apple        Option+Shift+K

Math and Greek Character Symbols

±  plus-or-minus        Option+Shift+Equals (Shift+Equals is plus)
µ  micro sign           Option+m  (Greek letter mu), units of microns
π   pi                  Option+p  (Greek letter pi)
√   square root         Option+v
÷   divided by  Option+/ (slash is key to left of right-hand shift key)
·   middle dot  Option+Shift+9 (sign for multiplication)
≈   almost equals       Option+x
≠   not equals  Option+= (equals is key to right of delete key)
∞   infinity            Option+5
≤   less than or equal  Option+comma (Shift+comma is the less than
≥   greater than or equal       Option+period (Shift+period is greater
Å   Angstrom sign Option+Shift+a  (units of Angstroms)
∑  summation sign       Option+w
°   degree sign         Option+Shift+8
∂   partial differential        Option+d (calculus)
∫   integral            Option+b (calculus)

Copyediting, typesetting, and miscellaneous symbols

‡   double dagger       Option+Shift+7 (used for footnotes)
¶   pilcrow sign        Option+7 (marks paragraphs)
§   section sign        Option+6 (marks sections)
•   bullet sign         Option+8 (marks list items)

Punctuation marks: right and left quotation marks for English and other
   languages; inverted punctuation marks for Spanish

‘   left single quotation mark  Option+right bracket
’   right single quotation mark         Option+Shift+right bracket
“   left double quotation mark  Option+left bracket
”   right double quotation mark         Option+Shift+left bracket
«   left pointing double angle quotation mark   Option+backslash
»   right pointing double angle quotation mark  Option+Shift+backslash
‹   single left pointing angle quotation mark   Option+Shift+3
›   single right pointing angle quotation mark  Option+Shift+4
¡   inverted exclamation mark   Option+1
¿   inverted question mark      Option+Shift+slash (Shift+/ is question
…  ellipsis                     Option+semi-colon

On 18 Sep 2009, at 22:35, Lindsay Yazzolino wrote:

> Hi,
> I am currently taking a linguistics course, and am wondering if it is
> possible to type Unicode characters using the Mac. Much of the
> coursework involves typing IPA symbols, and up until I have been using
> what I call the cheater method (copying and pasting symbols from a
> table online). I would much prefer to be able to type these symbols
> myself for the sake of efficiency and practicality, and would
> appreciate any input any of you may have. Thanks.
> Lindsay
> >

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