Have you tried using somebody's mobile phone number to make an audio phone 
When you're entering in a new contact in the contacts app, and you do command-n 
for new contact.  I swee a first and last name field.  Then after that there is 
a scroll area that I have to interact and eventually a popup field with work 
home and more just before the field that let's me enter in an email address.  
Is that how yours is set up?

On Mar 1, 2014, at 2:39 PM, Keith Hinton <keithint1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, thought I'd clarify.
> Adding contacts through FaceTime/Contacts on the mac with 10.9.2 is possible.
> But nobody's email address and possibly other information beyond
> name/company (at least) not properly, ends up in wrong feeleds all
> over the map.
> This seems to be a serious oversite and bug on Apple Inc's part.
> I do not own iOS devices at all, and am working specificly from the
> Mac with either application.
> However in the case of FaceTime, you do need to enter an email for
> whomever you are adding for FaceTime to establish calls.
> If the email address does not xist, you will receive an error stating
> that the contact(s) are not available, evne if that is not the case.
> In my case, the email addresses get entered into either the home or
> work phone umber screens in FaceTimes add/edit interfaces.
> Super strange behavior.
> I know one person who remains on Mountin Lion refuses to touch
> Mavricks until God knows when, possibly not ever.
> He has no problems entering any contacts, either in Contacts or
> FaceTime respectively.
> But I do not wish to use anything not current, as audio only FaceTime
> calls was only brought to 10.9.2, and is a feature I wish to test.
> However, unless I can figure out why the email edit box remains
> unpopulated for all contacts I try to add, I will be unable to do
> this, and my frustration level is likely to rise.
> I won't be opening FaceTime/Contacts respectively unless somebody is
> willing to work with me over Skype or some other mediam such as
> Messages.
> The situation has got to the point where somebody is going to have
> hear Voiceover on my end of things and witness the behavior.
> It's not normal behavior, you can be sure of this.
> Seems very strange that an edit box that is available for keyboard
> entry would not accept it.
> Try as I might, I can't fill in the email edit feeled nothing gets
> entered their, almost as if Voiceover is actually not focused on the
> edit feeled, so that for some reason typing goes into a different
> feeled entirely than announced on screen.
> This seems to be a bug.
> I hope it is not, and can be gotten around, but I cannot do so.
> It does not matter if Voiceover commands, or if tab is used to move
> amongst the feelds, improper placement of specific contact information
> seems to be the norm so that when I try to then do anything,
> everything fails.
> Trying to edit a contact results in the same problem, and empty email edit 
> box.
> So what in the blinking world of blindys is going on here?
> I usually love technology.
> As of now, however, I'm sincerely hating every momentof working with
> technology, as it appears tech has set out to destroy my interactions
> with computers, and other devices lately.
> I've had a history of things blowing up and going wrong lately; PC
> going nuts with Windows, now the Mac doing strange things..who knows
> what's going on.
> Maybe all my technology has turned against the user sort of like what
> happens in the Terminater Skynet things..LOL.
> So far, it appears I'm the only person having this problem.
> I wrote off list to another firend before actually emailing anybody on
> this list, just to find out.
> When I said I was having trouble, he opened up FaceTime, and tried
> adding somebody.
> Could somebody who is running 10.9.2 actually try opening up FaceTime,
> and attempt to add somebody?
> See if you two, have strange results or if for some reason yoru email
> edit area is actually accepting keyboard entry?
> If nobody else has the problem, then I don't know what the next step
> will be to do.
> Erase the drive and start over with OS installation?
> Hopefully that's not going to be required, as I just did that about a
> month ago. But the only way to determine what's going on is for
> somebody else with Mavricks 10.9.2 installed as well, will need to
> open up the FaceTime app and play around for a bit to see if you are
> also getting any strange Voiceover focuss bugs or what I am believing
> are Voiceover focus bugs, at this rate.
> That's the only way to really deal with this.
> Hope my clarifications help.
> Hope my explanations of what is going on with Voiceover failing to
> permit keyboard entry in specific edit boxes entirely and automaticly
> populating information into the wrong feeleds except for first last
> name, and company boxes respectively, with in the FaceTime app when
> adding or eding an existing contact helps too.
> Similar issues, with Voiceover failing to allow keyboard entry in
> specific boxes in Contacts on my Mac system happen too, and this is
> why I'm willing to say this is a bug, and to basicly explode at every
> peace of technology I own. Especially when all I'm trying to do is add
> one person to an app to ttest a feature.
> Voiceover doing this stupid crap shouldn't be the case, but it clearly
> is at least on my Mavricks.
> Why, I don't know.
> I hate spending what passes well into over five hours plus for me
> trying to get something to freaking work that just should work.
> Adding contacts, and successfully making this stuff work shouldn't be
> giving me all this greif.
> But this is exactly what seems to be happening.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Sincerely,
> Keith
> Website:
> http://www.keithnet.us
> Home Phone:
> 928-554-3936
> Mobile Phone:
> 928-713-6370
> Primary email:
> keithint1...@gmail.com
> Twitter:
> @keithint1234
> Facebook:
> http://facebook.com/keith.hinton1
> Skype:
> skypedude1234
> -- 
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