Well, John.
You can't try the free Spotify if you don't have an invite.

John André Netland skrev:
> Hi David,
> I have not used this app on any platform, but I will check the free  
> version on iPHone later today if you like. In many cases, an iPhone  
> app can be fully accessible on the iPhone, even though the developer  
> don't care about it at all, and even though it may be inaccessible on  
> the Mac or Windows platform. That's the beauty of how Apple is  
> implementing accessibility into their frameworks now. I have spoke  
> with norwegian iPHone app developers that tells me they have not been  
> aware about the accessibility with VoiceOver issue, but simply  
> followed Apple's guidelines in programming, and created fully VO  
> compatible apps.
> Thanks,
> John André
> On 14. sep. 2009, at 14.21, David Hole wrote:
>> Hello Tony and rest of ye.
>> I have Spotify on both Windows and Mac.
>> On Windows, with jaws, you have to use the jaws-marker to brows  
>> around.
>> On the Mac, it's only possible to search for something, and play the
>> result without further browsing. :(
>> I've also mailed them a half year ago, and then they said they're not
>> gonna do something with accessibility in the near future :(
>> But if enough people request accessibility, maybe they change their  
>> minds...
>> So, for those who want to check it out, go to http://www.spotify.com  
>> and
>> register for an account (With invite, it's free. 1 moth pass, 99 NOK.
>> and 1 year subscription, 999 NOK. 1 day pass isn't possible for new
>> subscribers. (NOK = Norwegian kroner))
>> Regards David
>> Tony Bernedal skrev:
>>> Hi.
>>> I don't think it worth trying. it is completely not accessible on the
>>> mac and windows so I think it is not accessible for iphone too. I  
>>> have
>>> tried mailing them about it but no answer.
>>> Regards Tony
>>> 2009/9/14, Esther <mori...@mac.com>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> David Hole wrote:
>>>>> Have anyone of you out there tried Spotify on iPhone?
>>>>> Note: You US users can't use Spotify as far as I know.
>>>> According to the Spotify web page, you're looking for someone from:
>>>> Sweden, Norway, Finland, the UK, France or Spain.  Or else someone  
>>>> who
>>>> has a jailbroken iPhone or iPod Touch and put on the Spot app from
>>>> Cydia.
>>>> Here's the iTunes Store URL (for those countries for which it is  
>>>> legal):
>>>> http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=324684580&mt=8
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Esther
> > 

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