For me, the Apple web site has good material for beginners.
There are many tutorials, video and text files.
Granted, they are for sighted users, but if one remembers the voice  
over way to click a mouse, or to do the different things, they are  
That is why I am glad voice over was written to allow us to work the  
computer in the same way as would a sighted user.
On Sep 7, 2009, at 3:39 AM, Justin Kauflin wrote:

> Hey everyone, First, I'd like to thank folks for being so helpful with
> my posts.  Its nice to post a question, and receive a response!  I was
> just wondering if there was a good resource for finding out general
> information on the different applications that come with the Mac.  I'm
> just realizing how little I understand about a lot of the programs on
> the Mac.  I'm also wondering if there's a good resource for finding
> out Voice Over commands.  I just read about the keyboard command for
> going to the end of the e-mail list, and wouldn't have found that if I
> didn't read that particular post.  I'm just wondering if there's a
> place I can go to get a list of VO commands like that.  I guess I'm
> just on a search for as much information as I can get from one
> location!  Thanks for any points in the right direction!
> Justin
> >

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