
Scott's correct that there is something odd about the Blind Cool Tech  
podcast page at the iTunes Store, but I suspect that the source of the  
problem is with the feed they're mirroring. Some months ago, the BCT  
podcast page at the iTunes Store stopped showing the most recent  
episodes, and only listed the oldest episodes on the feeds under the  
songs table. If you were subscribing, you would continue to get the  
new episodes.  However, I stopped using the automatic subscription  
update, and was using the ability to refresh the feeds to download  
selected episodes (like Mike Arrigo's podcasts).  Since I didn't have  
"Subscribe" turned on, for me, the automatic podcast updates stopped  
in June (after Mike's Mac Demo 8 podcast and Dane's Amadeus Pro batch  
processing podcast). Turning on the "Subscribe" option and refreshing  
the feed with "Update Podcast" or using the "Refresh" button for all  
podcasts on iTunes (buttons beyond the songs table) didn't work.

I ended up having to use the Advanced menu option on the iTunes menu  
bar for "Subscribe to podcast" and type in the RSS feed address:


This started up my subscription again, but in a new folder with the  
same name, because it's coming from a different feed address. I  
haven't tried to turn this off, so I just delete episodes I don't want  
to keep.

My guess is that if I started up a completely new iTunes account and  
subscribed by pressing the "Subscribe" button from the BCT podcast  
page in iTunes:


that the subscription would start correctly, and that if I added  
podcasts from that subscription to my current iTunes library they  
would even show up in the original BCT folder (that worked for me  
through mid-June).

Now, when you look at the songs table for the BCT podcast page, you  
only get listings for the 101 episodes between June and September 2005  
-- before you used to see the latest episodes.  Whenever this sort of  
problem showed up before for a podcast subscription, it was usually a  
problem with the way the original feed was maintained.  For example, I  
used to subscribe to audiobook podcasts and the Highbridge Audiobooks  
feed got very flakey in 2007 (after iTunes became accessible).  They  
finally stopped issuing them (but if you look at their web site,  
there's still an entry for podcast subscriptions at iTunes that points  
to a feed whose last episodes are in late summer 2007).

Scott, you can select the podcast series in your library and use the  
"Report a Concern" button, and type in your comments.  It could be  
that the number of BCT episodes on the feed exceeds some maximum, or  
the default ordering for recent episodes got reversed.  If you  
subscribe again using the Advanced menu your subscriptions should  
start up again, but the problem of the BCT feed at the iTunes Store  
remains.  I don't know which feed address they pass onto iTunes.



Dane Trethowan wrote:

> That's very odd! I'm getting everything as its updated here.
> Scott Howell wrote:
>> Folks, if any of you subscribe to the BLind Cool Tech podcast via
>> iTunes, I have a question.  It seems that iTunes has no longer any
>> interest in BCT and has decided to stop all podcast beyond 2005.   
>> I've
>> tried unsubscribing at one point, resubscribing, and even use the
>> context menu and update to try and refresh the list.  So far none of
>> these steps has resolved the issue and obviously I'm missing out on
>> some of the podcasts.
>> Has anyone any thoughts?
>> Oh, this has been going on a while and yes before Snow Leopard.  I've
>> just run out of ideas so thought to pick some fresh brains out  
>> there. :)
>> tnx,
> ******************************
> Dane Trethowan
> From Melton Victoria Australia
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