I don't mind the updates from the Mac site but would rather get the  
full posting rather than just a half paragraph. I know that one reason  
updates come in this way is to encourage people to visit the actual  
site. But, I think its an extra and unnecessary step myself.

On Sep 4, 2009, at 7:56 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> Hello;  I get a lot of email daily from the several lists I'm
> subscribed to.  I don't personally have a problem with the news
> updates as long as they are really news.  I think the more important
> question with this one is does this mean they have or plan to fix the
> regular facebook so mac users can start enjoying it again?  I
> understand the iphone is the current wave and all, but I hope that
> doesn't mean the people at facebook have forgotten about how
> unaccessible their site is with a mac.  Let me know if you have heard
> or experienced anything different regarding this issue.  Thanks, Max
> On Sep 4, 2009, at 6:03 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't mean to come over as unsupportive Josh, because I'm 110%
>> behind what you do with lioncourt and maccessibility, to the point
>> where soon after Christmas when my schedule will have changed
>> significantly I'd love to start contributing myself or at least  
>> figure
>> out some way of supporting more actively.
>> Having said all that, that wasn't the reply I expected James and Ben
>> would get man.  The kind chap who offers me very competitive deals on
>> Viagra usually slightly less than once per day isn't of dissimilar
>> mind when it comes to the actual principal here.  It doesn't say
>> anywhere to my knowledge that this list doubles up as a kind of
>> newswire, so perhaps this would be a good point to have one of Cara's
>> polls... she loves 'em!  If it turns out that myself James and Ben  
>> are
>> grouchy old men so be it, but if not then perhaps you could tweak the
>> automation to deliver automatic posts to the most relevant list?  My
>> personal gripe here is that even when I don't pass over one of these
>> automated posts, I only get a snippet of the story.  As long as the
>> subject lines are well thought out, which so far they always have
>> been, I'll know whether I want to read a news story or not - having  
>> to
>> load the extra page seems superfluous.
>> Again, no treading on toes intended, I just think they have a point
>> where the principal is concerned here and wanted to add a bit of
>> weight.
>> Scott
>> On 9/4/09, Josh de Lioncourt <overl...@lioncourt.com> wrote:
>>> iPhone discussion has always been welcome here. :) The other list is
>>> more strictly focused on the iPhone, but we would have to also ban
>>> iPod, Airport Express/Extreme, and all sorts of other things from
>>> this
>>> list if we banned iPhone discussion. After all, the iPhone is used  
>>> in
>>> conjunction with your computer, one of those computer types is the
>>> Mac.
>>> Cara and I discussed posting the news updates to this list. They  
>>> have
>>> pretty much always been posted by someone, usually me, manually.
>>> We've
>>> automated the process to give ourselves a little less work. Since  
>>> the
>>> updates average less than a message a day, we feel they are of use  
>>> to
>>> more people than to whom they are an irritation.
>>> You can also filter those messages, if you wish, using your mail
>>> client's message rules.
>>> On Sep 4, 2009, at 12:02 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>>>> Why am I getting these? When the 3gs first came out, I seem to
>>>> remember that Cara was quite adamant that discussion of it on the  
>>>> mv
>>>> list was off topic so she created a new list for it. Surely, things
>>>> like this would fit in better on the other list?
>>>> Sorry if I spelt your name wrong btw Cara.
>>>> On 04/09/2009, Maccessibility <nore...@maccessibility.net> wrote:
>>>>> FaceBook iPhone Application Updated With Accessibility Fixes
>>>>> The FaceBook.com iPhone application has been updated to version
>>>>> 3.02. The
>>>>> update focuses on VoiceOver compatibility, and accessibility  
>>>>> fixes.
>>>>> The
>>>>> rapidity
>>>>> with which the developer has addressed the accessibility issues is
>>>>> extraordinary, and we applaud FaceBook for this response.
>>>>> The application is exceptionally usable now, with only a couple of
>>>>> unlabeled
>>>>> controls which can be quickly [...]
>>>>> You can read the rest of this news item at:
>>>>> http://www.lioncourt.com/2009/09/04/facebook-iphone-application-updated-with-accessibility-fixes/
>>>>> The Mac-cessibility Network
>>>>> "...it's all within our reach..."
>>>>> http://maccessibility.net
>>>> --
>>>> Kind regards, BEN.
>>>> email: bmustillr...@gmail.com
>>>> msn: benmustillr...@hotmail.com
>>>> web: http://www.bmr.me.uk (under construction)
> >

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