Not sure if my other message went through, so I'm posting it again;
please forgive any repeats.
After spending $249 on Premier Assistive Technology's literacy package
because of the scan-and-read functionality, I have decided the thing's
not all it's cracked up to be, since it opened in an X11 window and
didn't work at all with VO.  So now I'm doing what I think I should
have done in the first place instead of listening to the general AT
specialist who spoke on the Mac at our local AT conference; I'm on my
knees to the true experts...fellow users.  What do you all all use for
OCR tochnology that *works*?  I know there's been a lot of discussion
about OCR experimenting lately, but I need something that's going to
work with a minimum of finagling so I can spend my time *READING* the
documents I scan rather than fighting with the software.  True I like
putzing, but for my day-to-day stuff I'd really prefer not to have to
do that more than necessary.

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