I am doing an upgrade as well.
On Aug 28, 2009, at 5:28 AM, Chris G wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm planning on doing an upgrade.  So we will see how that goes.
> Chris
> On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 07:06:45 +0100
> william lomas <lomaswill...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> you go to the utilities menu in the installer i think chose disc
>> utility then erase and install.
>> I will watch feedback over next couple months then upgrade but at
>> present what I have is working
>> On 28 Aug 2009, at 06:54, Jessi and Goldina wrote:
>>> I plan to do a clean install also and plan to record it too. I'm not
>>> sure if I'll spread it around, I guess it depends on how well I feel
>>> it goes, lol. this is my first time ever installing an OS on any
>>> platform though, so I thought it should be recorded haha. can  
>>> someone
>>> explain the steps for doing a "clean install?" I'm sure it's been
>>> discussed to death but I've been away at my cabin and had about 2000
>>> messages in my inbox so didn't pay much attention as I rapidly
>>> deleted, lol. I assume a clean install means deleting leopard and  
>>> all
>>> other data? which would of course mean backing up first...I can't  
>>> use
>>> time machine cuz it won't work with my external drive without me
>>> deleting everything off it and I'm so not doing that, so I plan to
>>> just copy and paste all my data and stuff over. I guess I'll lose my
>>> emails, but maybe there's some way other than time machine of
>>> archiving them before I do this?
>>> and now I'll stop rambling, I'm sure I'm not making much sense. it's
>>> time for bed and book for me. but I just wanna make sure I have all
>>> the steps in place for when the big moment comes!!! I'm pretty  
>>> excited
>>> about it!!
>>> Jessi and Goldina
>>> On 27-Aug-09, at 9:55 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>>> I would reccomend that you do a clean install, it may take a bit  
>>>> more
>>>> time to reinstall everything, but it's usually more reliable,
>>>> certainly that's what I'm going to do, and I plan on recording mac
>>>> pod
>>>> cast number 10, dedicated to the install of snow leopard, so stay
>>>> tuned for that.
>>>> On Aug 27, 2009, at 9:17 AM, a radix wrote:
>>>>> Hello, i am ordering sl via the phone now. I wonder, is an upgrade
>>>>> (so not a totally clean install) recommended? I know it is a VERY
>>>>> BAD IDEA on a iwndows machine but i wonder if it is ok on a mac? I
>>>>> would actually like it if my current settings could be used.
>>>>> Greetings, Anouk
> -- 
> Chris G <cgrabowsk...@gmail.com>
> >

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