Hi Donna,

Just a few additions to Daniel's remarks.  You can make things a  
little more efficient if you copy your Audible files (which can be in  
an Audible Downloads folder) to your iTunes Music folder, which you'll  
find in your account under "Music/iTunes/iTunes Music".  While you  
don't actually need to download a book, that's a good way to start  
authorization.  Otherwise you would be prompted to authorize your  
account the first time you tried to play one of the Audible files you  
transfer to your Mac.  If you ever need to de-authorize your Mac's  
Audible account, for example, if you upgrade your computer or before  
you send your Computer in for service (in case they replace a logic  
board or other element that wipes out your authorization record), you  
can find a "Deauthorize Audible account …" option in the Advanced menu  
on the iTunes menu bar.
I'm guessing that you used the Audible Downloads Manager on your  
Windows PC? Here's a link to the Audible Customer help page on  
"Everything iPod and iTunes for Audible Content (Mac)" in case you  
have further questions:


On the Mac, downloaded files go to your Downloads folder. If you play  
or open an Audible file it should get added to your iTunes library --  
usually, by being copied to that location.



On Aug 24, 2009, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Oh.  that kmakes sense. *grin* Thanks.
> Donna
> On Aug 24, 2009, Daniel Crone wrote:
>> I just put my audible books in to a folder called audible books.
>> Then I import that folder in to my itunes.
>> On Aug 24, 2009, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Daniel,
>>> Thanks for the tip to download a book.  I had been to the Audible
>>> site, and seen that I didn't need to download any software, but
>>> wasn't
>>> sure what the next step was, as I figured I had to do something to
>>> authorize Audible on this computer.
>>> I do have one question.  On my Windows machine, there was actually a
>>> folder called Audible Downloads.  There does not seem to be a
>>> counterpart on the Mac. So, I guess my question has two parts:
>>> 1.  Re the book I just downloaded, should I leave it in the  
>>> downloads
>>> folder, or should I move it?  If I should move it, where should I
>>> move
>>> it to?
>>> 2.  To what folder should I copy the Audible files from my PC?  
>>> ITunes
>>> Music?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> On Aug 24, 2009, at 8:39 AM, Daniel Crone wrote:
>>>> Just copying the audible files from your windows machine should
>>>> work.
>>>> Download at least one book from audible to your mac so you may
>>>> authorize your Mac to play audible.
>>>> On Aug 24, 2009, at 7:14 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>>>> Good morning all,
>>>>> I'm wondering about moving my audible content over from my PC to  
>>>>> my
>>>>> Mac.  Is it possible to just copy everything in my Audble  
>>>>> downloads
>>>>> folder over to a location on  the Mac, or do I have to re-download
>>>>> everything?  If I can just copy it, to what location should I copy
>>>>> the
>>>>> files?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Donna
> >

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