Is this on a desktop or laptop? If on a laptop, are you ejecting the 
drive before putting the machine to sleep?


Søren Jensen wrote:
> Hi.
> Does this happen when the fan speeds up? I also have a western digital  
> harddrive, and it always disconnects when the fan speeds up because  
> it's too hot. I hate this harddrive and I'm going to get a new one  
> very soon.
> Best regards:
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> On 17/08/2009, at 02.34, matthew Dyer wrote:
>> Hi all,  I have a slite problem and was wondering if anyone else has
>> seen it.  I currently have a western digial hardrive which I am using
>> as a time machine backup.  How ever for what ever reason at randum
>> times I receive a dialog saying that the drive may not have been
>> dismounted correctly.  I find it strange thing about it is that I did
>> not eject it or do anything else though it act as if it came
>> unpluged.  I can fix it if restart the machine, but should not have to
>> fix it or do anything to deal with that.  If anyone has any idea as to
>> what is happening please respond.
>> Matthew
> >   

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