Hi Simon and Barry,

Here's the way I use aliases. You don't need to do anything to sync after you 
set them up, but you might need to restart mail if you set up your aliases at 
the MobileMe web site while your mail app is open.  The following should work 
from your Apple mail app.

1. Command-R to reply to a message and type in your response
2. VO-Left arrow to the mail header.  Normally this would take you to the 
"From:" field.  You should now have a pop up button that lists the various mail 
aliases and the associated names.  For example, you could have an email address 
that you use only for mailing lists like simon_c AT me.com and another one for 
business related correspondence like s_cavendish AT me.com, and these can be 
separate from your main email account.  Dot Mac users who started services can 
use these with either the mac.com or me.com extensions, but new users can only 
use me.com.
3. Command-Shift-D to send the message.

Barry, I suspect the reason that creating mail aliases is disabled for trial 
subscriptions is that created aliases cannot be re-used by anyone.  So if you 
create lots of aliases and then discard them, you're taking those names 
permanently out of circulation for all current and future users.

Having aliases is a great way to separate out your activities. MobileMe does a 
good job of spam filtering (so does Gmail), but if you don't want to give your 
primary email address when you sign up for a trial software use or in order to 
download Stuffit Expander from Smith Micro, you can give a mail alias designed 
for this purpose and set up a smart mailbox to keep these messages separate.




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