
First convert them to *.Aiff or from what I hear *.m4a and *.mp3 work.  
Then move them to ~/Libary/ Sounds/ I do believe for them to be  
available in your user account and not system wide, where "~"  
represents your home folder for the current user.  You can also place  
sound files in ~/System/Library/Sounds/ for them to show up system wide.


On 22-Jul-09, at 9:43 PM, Mark Baxter wrote:

> I've coppied a few sounds in .eav format and want to know how to add
> them to the general library for app sounds.  What's the path? Thanks.
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> My home page:
> http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> >

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