Hi guys,
I was listening to a podcast episode of the assistive technology show  
and the thing being talked about were audiobooks and where to find them.
I have access to audible and NLS not bookshare though.  I have known  
about overdrive audiobooks for two years but haven't listened to any  
sense getting my Mac because at that time they weren't playable.

Well on the podcast it was said that overdrive offers Mp3 audiobooks  
and some of these are useable with the mac.

Well I went to our state of kansas state library page where these  
books are at and filled in my account information, I used my Olathe  
Public Library card, but you can use a state of kansas library card if  
your local library isn't in the pull down menu thing...  Well anyway  
your state library may be different...   Anyway the point of all this  
is that yes you can play MP3 and some WMA, or so I'm guessing files on  
a Mac and or iPod.

I found the site to be quite accessable, even the little graphics that  
say what will and will not play the files are accessable.  The  
Overdrive media console for Mac is quite accessable and so far, even  
though there isn't the huge range of books you can get as a PC user  
there are still quite a number of books. Most of which I want to read  
I have to be waitlisted for... :-) But you can put your name on a wait  
list and you'll get an Email letting you know when you can check out  
the book.  Our library lets you take out ten titles at a go and the  
checkout is defalted to seven days but you can change it to two or  
three weeks if you need to.  I am glad Overdrive is on the Mac and  
iPod/iPhone now because like I've been saying one can never have too  
many books. :-) As long as my iPod has juice or I've access to  
batteries and or electric power, I'll never stop reading. :-)


Best Wishes
Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

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