
The system wide library folder for sounds is /Library/Sounds/ .


On Jul 14, 2009, at 7:57 AM, Kieren wrote:

> Yes Any format of sound that quicktime recognizes can be used.
> If you would like to add your own sounds to the list of system wide
> alert sounds etc.  You can create a folder named "Sounds" without the
> quotes and note the capital first letter
> In your user library folder or you can add then to the root library/
> Sounds Folder if all users want to be able to access them.
> Adding them in this way allows all apps that use alert sounds to find
> your custom ones.
>> Go to preferences under general is where you can change the current
>> sound.  It's a pop-up menu, at the bottom is add/remove sound, should
>> be able then to find whatever file you want and save it in there,
>> then go back and select it under "New mail sound."  Also you can have
>> different rules have sounds as well, for example I have certain
>> addresses that come across which are junk mail.  I set rules for them
>> to automatically deleet, and as an aditional option I have the rule
>> play the sound of a toilet flushing.  I then know it happened, but I
>> never have to put up with their mail.
>> 73.
>> On Jul 14, 2009, at 8:10 AM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I am wondering if there is a way to change that bonkey little
>>> squeltchey sound that plays when new mail is received. If so what  
>>> file
>>> format must the sound file be in?
>>> Thanks :-)
>>> Best Wishes
>>> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
>>> blueskyes9112...@gmail.com
>>> Olathe, Kansas USA
>>> Join me on FaceBook:
>>> Personal Profile -www.facebook.com/blueskyes
>>> And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search
>>> for it in groups or contact me for details.
>>> Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan
> >

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