Good point Mark,
As I said earlier, nevermind I don't want the podcast. Would be nice
to listen to it as I'm just as curious as the next person who is
looking forward to VO. If it is not lawful though...  I don't mind
paying the prices set by Apple Inc. for their products because their
products are good and all. I'll just wait like veeryone else.  Didn't
quite catch on to the fact the whole podcast thing was unlawful til
after I posted my request for podcast. request withdrawn.

On 6/15/09, Mark Baxter <> wrote:
> People! What part of Piracy don't you understand?  Apple's doing an
> honorable thing by including VO and putting so much into it.  While
> I'm the first one to advocate the law be broken when it serves no
> purpose and promotes dishonorable price gouging and unfair advantage,
> in this case, this is *NOT* the case! Don't support people who pirate
> Snow Leopard!
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
> >

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